THE BOOKSELLER : 28th May Sefton and Manchester: libraries latest

Manchester Evening News : 28th May Manchester’s Libraries reprieved amid ‘shambles’ claims Council bosses passed an  amended plan at their latest executive meeting after protests from  campaigners and a recommendation from other councillors.

They will also now feature professional librarians but as originally planned  – despite widespread protests – they will not operate the same service  as at present.  Instead, scaled down book collections will be run in  conjunction with other organisations – although some are likely to stay  in the same building.

It’s Our County : 27th May Herefordshire | Results of Council Emergency Budget Meeting; read Liz Harvey’s account In the days building up to the meeting it became apparent that the  administration had no clue as to the nature and extent of its statutory  responsibilities for service provision …

Public Libraries News : 27th May Editorial | Public library campaigning: the easy bit may have just ended in Herefordshire

ACE | You Tube : 23rd May Literature On Your Doorstep – Libraries Development Initiative Herefordshire Libraries took part in this Arts Council project

Conservative Home : 28th May Libraries | Labour implode in Brent

Croydon Guardian : 28th May New library opens in New Addington

East London Lines : 28th May Croydon library contract proceeds after setback

London Borough of Croydon : 24th May Press Release | New library contract comes a step closer a new departure – *self-referral* to Scrutiny My intention now is to ensure that the basis of my decision is examined  fully, and that’s why I’ll be ensuring this matter is taken to our  scrutiny committee.

This Is Total Essex : 28th May New Springfield library will be a ‘real resource’ It is the first new library to open in Essex for 25 years and will be  staffed day-to-day by a team of ten volunteers, with 20 more eager  helpers on the waiting list. Around 250 people visited on the first day, reflecting the strong local support for the facility.

Paisley Daily Express : 27th May Renfrewshire | Books no longer have stamp of approval Library staff have started to give borrowers receipts, rather than date-stamping their books. …. Last year, adults borrowed over 420,000 books, CDs and DVDs from  Renfrewshire libraries, with junior members taking out a further 120,000 items.

springfield library

This Is Nottingham : 25th May
Samantha Mattos: Libraries are a modern marvel
Our visits have ensured that books and everything else the library has  to offer are uppermost in my daughter’s favourite things.

Canberra Times : 27th May
But what if I can’t find it on the internet?


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

The Library Campaign
AGM event, including Q&A with Brian Ashley, the new libraries director at ACE
2 – 4.30 pm, 29 June – London

Public Libraries News : 25th May
Editorial |The name is Library, Public Library

Good Library Guide : 25th May
Ebooks in libraries for people with reading difficulties


Libraries event and AGM – 29 JUNE, 2013


Library Campaign members get priority booking, as places are limited, but anyone is welcome to attend.

TLC AGM final

MEET Brian Ashley, the new libraries director at Arts Council England (ACE).

The Library Campaign welcome the opportunity to work with ACE to protect library services.

JOIN the Q & A session led by prominent library campaigners including Ian Anstice, Desmond Clarke, Trevor Craig, Alan Wylie – and you!


University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1E 7H

Meeting: 2-4.30pm

AGM (members only): 4.30-5.15pm

Travel details

Northern Line: Euston, Warren Street, Goodge Street stations.
Piccadilly Line: Russell Square station.
Victoria Line: Euston and Warren Street stations.
Circle, Metropolitan and Hammersmith & City Lines: Euston Square station.
Buses: Gower Street (10, 24, 29, 73, 134, 390); Euston Road (18, 30, 91, 205, 253, 476); Woburn Place/Southampton Row (59, 68, 91, 168,188).

Places are limited!

Priority will be given to members of The Library Campaign, but all are welcome to book.

Email the secretary, Elizabeth, on to book a place or call  020 8651 9552.

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Public Libraries News : 23rd May
Editorial |Adapt and survive: Arts Council England’s stark message under the gloss
… what the report means for any remaining idea of a national public library service is terrifying in its extremes.  Each library is a low-lying island is the underlying philosophy and you’d better build your sea barriers up now because the tide is rising and it’s your fault if you drown.

Melville House Books : 24th May
What’s the future for the UK’s local libraries?
I’d love to see a list with gusto; one that didn’t seem to contain a strong feeling of defeat within its objectives. Each point seems defensive, as though answering a number of criticisms: libraries don’t do enough for their communities, libraries haven’t embraced technology, libraries aren’t working hard enough, library staff aren’t right for the job. And yet …

Lead Story | ACE Envisioning: “wake up call to government”
good comment from Laura Swaffield

WMF panel: libraries need national e-lending model

Save Croydon Libraries Campaign : 24th May
Shh! Laings win Croydon Libraries

Hereford Times : 24th May
Protestors arrive in Hereford 
Councillors will later today vote on a new budget that could signal the end for many of the county’s libraries and museums. The Hereford Times will be carrying a live blog from the meeting – due to start this afternoon.

They Work For You : 21st May
eBook lending and Audio – Rewarding Authors

Croydon libraries ship

With thanks for permission to reproduce his reply here,  in response to the press release of Dan Javis MP,  Justin Tomlinson MP writes,


What a load of marketing guff, stating the blindingly obvious – well except (as expected) no mention of whether they would provide any additional funding or reference to the swathes of libraries decimated during the Socialist Utopian Government years / Socialist ruled Councils.  (I’m not saying any Party is perfect on libraries, but I wouldn’t have put my name to this 2nd hand car-sales brochure if it was in dashing blue either!)

The world of libraries is changing / evolving – come up with concrete suggestions (hey maybe funding?) not flannel.  Could of, should of, would of, dear me…

To those actually doing the graft on the coal-face, more power to you.

Me, I’d have a library Tsar with a commercial background (Tim Coates etc!), focus on numbers and customer experience.  Share this best practice, rejoice in being the thriving hub of communities – this would make local Government appreciate (and pay for) the services we want.

Be spikey, float radical ideas, hey even get it wrong – but get it done.

Cheers, Justin

Justin Tomlinson
North Swindon Conservative MP

Justin Tomlinson MP

Dan Jarvis MP, Shadow Culture Minister, has today called for a message to be sent to the Government demanding that they act to save Britain’s libraries.

A new report, “Envisioning the library of the future”  has been released by the Arts Council England demonstrating that much more should be done to support these important community services. Recommendations include making the most of digital technology, ensuring librarians have the necessary skills, placing the library at the hub of the community, and importantly, ensuring that libraries are resilient and sustainable.

Jarvis stated, “This report is a welcome insight into the value placed on libraries by the public, and the staff who work in them. I am pleased that it shares many of the conclusions found in Labour’s report Libraries – Innovation, Colocation and Partnership. It should be yet another wake up call to David Cameron that more needs to be done to ensure our libraries are sustainable.

“Libraries are trusted spaces which are open to all. Their potential is unlimited and across the country local authorities have been looking at innovative ways to save and improve our libraries. Despite this hard work, the latest figures demonstrate that in 2011/12 201 library service points were lost and a further 293 are now under threat. The responsibility for oversight lies firmly at the door of David Cameron and Ed Vaizey and they need to act now.

In December, Labour launched Libraries: Innovation, Co-location and Partnership. This report also looked at the future sustainability of libraries, and what a future Government should do to support the service.

Today Arts Council England has published the final part of its ‘Envisioning the Public Library’ research. The Library Campaign comments:

This duplicates research that has been done many times before – not least by the Arts Council itself.

What’s missing is action.

It is heart-breaking that time and money has been wasted in this way.

Libraries are closing at an unprecedented rate. Others are hacked to pieces.

Desperate communities are trying to take them on to save them – and are getting no help or advice.

We are trying to fill the huge gap left by DCMS and Arts Council inaction. Unpaid, in our spare time.

If they can’t see this is a crisis – and won’t do anything to help – please can we have their money?

You can read the report here :  The Library of the Future.

ACE logo

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

ACE: Libraries should be ‘hub’ of communities 

Campaign for the Book : 23rd May
Newsletter | “Envisioning” the decline of the public library service

Library Campaign : 23rd May
ACE Libraries report launched – Missing in action? 
inc. link to Report

CILIP : 23rd May
Press Release | Call for political leadership on Libraries

SCL : 23rd May
SCL Welcomes Arts Council’s Envisioning Report : 23rd May
Libraries must remain community hubs despite technological change, report says
inc quote from Ed Vaizey MP 

BBC News : 23rd May
Sefton Council approves plans to close seven libraries

Liverpool Echo : 23rd May
Seven libraries to close by end of year, confirm Sefton Council
Council still open to community groups taking over, but campaigners fear being too late to act

Crosby Herald : 23rd May
Sefton | Council report recommends closure of libraries in Crosby and Litherland

Evesham Observer : 23rd May
Broadway More details given to help decide library future 
“It’s now up to the community to pull together to maintain the building and create a flexible exciting hub that really meets the needs of our community.”


ACE logo

Liverpool Echo : 22nd May
Sefton | Merseyside library cull could lead to 40 (frontline) staff redundancies
A report to councillors tells how between 16 and 19 full-time posts would be lost, but because the bulk of library staff are part-time that would put up to 40 people at risk of redundancy.

Telegraph & Argus : 22nd May
New library to be built in Bradford city centre

Telegraph & Argus : 22nd May
Leading Article | New chapter for library services

BBC News : 22nd May
Business | Paperless public libraries switch to digital

Brent & Kilburn Times : 22nd May
Council agree to work with campaigners in Kensal Rise Library battle
During the meeting the council conceded they had made mistakes in their previous running of the libraries but insisted they were keen to work with the community going forward.

The Save Kensal Rise Library Survey : 22nd May

Ealing Gazette : 22nd May
Private company set to run Ealing libraries

They Work For You | Hansard 20th May
Public Lending Right (PLR) – the Minister responds to a Parliamentary Q from Dan Jarvis MP 

They Work For You | Hansard 20th May
Audio-book loans – the Minister responds to a Parliamentary Q from Dan Jarvis MP


Thanks to Shirley Burnham for these links. You can follow her on Twitter @shirleyburnham and follow us @LibraryCampaign

school library

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Desmond Clarke | Blind Eye
There is a strong suspicion that the DCMS is turning a blind eye to the  closure of libraries in some of the UK’s most deprived communities.  (Good blog, & some forceful comments)

Hansard : 20th May
Parliamentary Question | Libraries in deprived areas

Alan Gibbons Blog : 18th May
And yet…thoughts on the opening of the new Liverpool Central Library
There is a sub-plot to this apparent success story.  Half of Liverpool’s branch libraries are set for closure. Liverpool has 19 libraries at  present, but the council thinks it can save around £938,000 (from April  2014) by closing around 10.

Mancunian Matters : 21st May
‘No easy decisions’: Future of six Manchester libraries still uncertain as council give campaigners June deadline
But rather than scrap the proposed closures as campaigners want, the  executive instead decided today to put in place a deadline for the end  of June for proposals to be put forward.   …..  “These are not things we want to do and that we get elected to do.”

News Shopper : 21st May
Bromley libraries partner with RNIB to make reading more accessible

Burton Mail : 21st May
Solar panels on libraries save county council over £350,000
The £330,000 investment in libraries is expected to be paid back in just over nine years. After the panels have paid for themselves the council will continue to  receive free electricity and the Government’s incentives for a further  15 years.

Design Observer
Marginalia: Little Libraries in the Urban Margins
“these projects can’t help but raise big and important questions”

Mattern Library

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

SW Londoner : 20th May
Gove faces backlash after South West London libraries insist children are reading ‘proper’ books

SNP : 20th May
Aberdeen | Donside – Labour candidate challenged on libraries

Cambridge News : 20th May
Has the school library a future in the digital age?

About My Area : 16th May
Essex | New library for Springfield
to be staffed by volunteers from the word go (with support from Essex Libs)


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

This Is Local London : 19th May
Shared services are key to saving borough millions, insists Ealing Contracts for managing up to 25 libraries are available for five-years including an optional five-year extension, reportedly worth  £90,000-£100,000 for 10 years.  Sports and Leisure Management Ltd (SLM) and John Laing plc are  reported to be front runners to secure deals for leisure and library  services respectively.

Darlington & Stockton Times : 19th May
Row over future of Stockton borough libraries
“Moving the library and all of its staff to a building on the periphery would be an absolute nonsense.”

You Tube : 18th May
Herefordshire | Video: Save Our Libraries & Museums High Town Rally


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Question Everything : 17th May Looking a Trojan horse in the mouth LGA responds re. its advice that the Library Service is ‘non-statutory’ The response from David Holdstock from the LGA is below and in full:

“Councillor Rea has asked me to reply on behalf of the LGA ……..”

You Tube : 16th May Herefordshire Libraries & Museums funding cuts 1 highly recommended – video

Hereford Times : 17th May Green councillor Felicity Norman sees red over cabinet meeting cancellation

They Work For You : 15th May Public Libraries – Electronic Publishing | PLR on e-books and audiobooks Dan Jarvis Parliamentary Question – E Vaizey: Written Answer

Coventry Telegraph : 17th May Coventry Central Library reopens after £130,000 makeover

The Public Sector Show 2013 Slides and presentations

And from our site:

Coventry Central Library

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Children turn away from books in favour of reading electronically
However, the report is a blow to attempts to improve reading  standards as research also shows  those who read print as nearly twice  as likely to be above average readers as children who read  electronically (26 per cent as opposed to 15.5 per cent).  In addition,  those who only read on screen are  four times less likely to say they  enjoy reading (12 per cent compared with 51 per cent).  The Trust is  urging parents and teachers to promote a better balance between using  books and technological devices for reading.

Literacy Trust : 16th May
Children’s on-screen reading overtakes reading in print
details of their Research

Don’t Privatise Libraries : 16th May
I’ve seen the future; David Ruse and the Tri-borough experiment!

Ledbury Reporter : 16th May
Council meeting deferral came following feedback from ‘councillors, the public and reviewing public petitions’
Coun John Jarvis defended the deferral in similar terms, telling the  Hereford Times that protestors should “channel their energies” into  finding alternatives by which threatened services could be delivered.
(and see comment from Bobby47)

Hereford Times : 16th May
Protesters gather outside council headquarters despite vital meeting being called off
In the face of growing and vociferous public protest, cabinet was  expected to approve the principle of the proposed cuts and send that  approval to the full council meeting next Friday as a recommendation for debate.  Instead, a decision taken behind the scenes at Brockington this  morning now leaves that approval of principle entirely in the hands of  the full council, with the Tories holding a majority of one.

Ross Gazette : 16th May
Herefordshire | Library threatened with closure
The Minister for the Arts opened it with much fanfare in March 1988,  holding it up as a beacon of council excellence. Fast forward 25 years  and after countless – and costly – consultations, pay reviews, job  evaluations,  and restructuring, Ross Library is at crisis point. The  news this week that the library service will have a crippling 75%  slashed from its budget, has been met with a mixture of disbelief,  incredulity and mounting anger.

BBC News : 16th May
Herefordshire Council postpones cuts decision

Hereford Times : 16th May
The Paul Rogers Blog: Libraries and Museums should be saved
Paul Rogers is the ‘Hereford Times’ senior reporter

The Echo : 16th May
Southend’s library services “will be improved”
Mr Harris added: “In some areas if people don’t want to safeguard them it will be very difficult, it would perhaps suggest that they don’t  want their libraries as much as we thought.”

Ealing Today : 16th May
Library and Leisure Services to be Contracted Out
If the plan is approved, John Laing Ltd. will take over the running of  the library service. They already run the libraries in Hounslow and  Harrow and the latter borough would act as the client on behalf of  London Borough of Ealing in what would be a shared contract.

Guardian Series : 15th May
Anger as smaller libraries miss out on £5 million investment in Waltham Forest
“It really does stink. When we’re  talking about £5 million and it’s going to just a few libraries, that’s  pretty outrageous. The investment won’t be that good for the people in the borough who can’t travel to these ones.”

Sunderland Echo : 16th May
Concern over Sunderland library closure plans
Library users could be struggling to make their opinions heard as councillors  plan sweeping reforms.   …….. The proposals could see a number of  static libraries close, with library services opening up in other community buildings functioning with the  help of volunteers.

Southport Visitor : 16th May
Sefton | Campaign group submits business plan to save Southport’s libraries

Crosby Herald : 16th May
Sefton | Mum urges council to rethink Carnegie Library closure
“We don’t have a computer at home so we come in to use the ones here  and one of my daughters has a visual impairment so she goes to the  library to listen to the audio books.”  Eleven-year-old Spencer said the library had helped him with his school work.  He said: “I come here to  do research for history projects I’m doing. The library has helped me  with my vocabulary and it’s helping me with my literature and everything else in school.”

web kid

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Private Eye | Library News
Issue No. 1340 (page 36)
In one of the most drastic library service cutbacks threatened so far, rural  Herefordshire may lose all bar one of its public libraries.  At all good newsagents

Ledbury Reporter : 15th May
Libraries in the firing line of Herefordshire Council cuts
The very future for culture in the county is at stake tomorrow as  Herefordshire Council’s cabinet decides whether or not to back savage cuts that leave libraries and museums out on a limb. But those at the sharp end are fighting back rallied by an unprecedented show of support.  The speed at which opposition to the proposed cuts in funding for libraries and museums countywide caught the council out.

Manchester Evening News : 15th May
Twist in the tale as Manchester library protesters win reprieve
But to date, no firm replacement proposals have been drawn up – and  councillors yesterday heard from furious library users who slammed both  the idea and the council’s attitude towards residents.  In turn, many  Labour councillors also attacked their own party’s plan – dubbing a  report drawn up by officers as ‘disappointing’ and ‘patronising’.

Brent & Kilburn Times : 15th May
Brent councillor who oversaw library closures fails to make selection shortlist

The Echo : 15th May
Petition to save Southend libraries
A steady stream of people stopped to hear about Southend Council’s  proposals which could see some branch libraries closed unless community  groups step in to run them.

Macclesfield Express : 15th May
Cheshire East | Campaigners celebrate as Hurdsfield library saved from axe
Hurdsfield Library has been saved from closure. The  branch at  Hurdsfield Green had been under threat as part of Cheshire East  Council’s cost-cutting plans.  But it was confirmed yesterday that  community volunteers will instead run the service in the first such set-up of its kind in the borough.   The library on the Weston has not been saved however and will shut this  summer.

hurdsfield library

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Liverpool Echo : 14th May
Liverpool’s revamped Central Library is a cathedral of knowledge (Video)

BBC News : 14th May
Herefordshire library and museums cuts prompts petition
Councillor Liz Chave, from the It’s Our County party, who is opposing cuts to library services, said: “There are statutory duties, supported  by legislation, to keep a library service in the county. What that will  look like in the future is the more debatable matter.” She said  community libraries, such as one run by a church in  Peterchurch, could become a popular model  across the county in the  future.

Hereford at risk of library closures

Public Libraries News : 13th May
Deja vu from 1976 … and CILIP Scotland express deep concern over cuts in Moray

Good Library Guide : 14th May
Ebooks in public libraries…ssshhhhhh

Mancunian Matters : 14th May
‘A slap in the face’ : Levenshulme campaigner and Northenden Lib Dem councillor condemn library closures

Brent & Kilburn Times : 14th May
New ‘libraries’ councillor says community engagement is at the heart of her priorities
She said:  “What happened in Camden is a very good example of what can be done when public and voluntary sectors work together and is something  it would be fantastic to emulate.”

Wales Online : 13th May
‘Nightmare scenario’ as Welsh councils fear violent cuts to services after Treasury spending review
“Mr Shotton said the Local Government Association (LGA) had mapped out  the impact of a 10% cut in funding for councils in 2015-16 in England  with spending cuts of up to 90% in non-statutory areas such as  children’s centres, museums, libraries and sports facilities.”

Brisbane Times : 14th May
Millions spent to revive council libraries

empty shelves

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