A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Liverpool Echo : 14th May
Liverpool’s revamped Central Library is a cathedral of knowledge (Video)

BBC News : 14th May
Herefordshire library and museums cuts prompts petition
Councillor Liz Chave, from the It’s Our County party, who is opposing cuts to library services, said: “There are statutory duties, supported  by legislation, to keep a library service in the county. What that will  look like in the future is the more debatable matter.” She said  community libraries, such as one run by a church in  Peterchurch, could become a popular model  across the county in the  future.

Hereford at risk of library closures

Public Libraries News : 13th May
Deja vu from 1976 … and CILIP Scotland express deep concern over cuts in Moray

Good Library Guide : 14th May
Ebooks in public libraries…ssshhhhhh

Mancunian Matters : 14th May
‘A slap in the face’ : Levenshulme campaigner and Northenden Lib Dem councillor condemn library closures

Brent & Kilburn Times : 14th May
New ‘libraries’ councillor says community engagement is at the heart of her priorities
She said:  “What happened in Camden is a very good example of what can be done when public and voluntary sectors work together and is something  it would be fantastic to emulate.”

Wales Online : 13th May
‘Nightmare scenario’ as Welsh councils fear violent cuts to services after Treasury spending review
“Mr Shotton said the Local Government Association (LGA) had mapped out  the impact of a 10% cut in funding for councils in 2015-16 in England  with spending cuts of up to 90% in non-statutory areas such as  children’s centres, museums, libraries and sports facilities.”

Brisbane Times : 14th May
Millions spent to revive council libraries

empty shelves

Libraries News Round-up: 11th November 2013

Chad.co.uk : 11th November Nottinghamshire | Councillor: 'Libraries will close, mark my words' http://www.chad.co.uk/news/local/county-council-budget-councillor-libraries-will-close-mark-my-words-1-6234680 Northern Scot : 11th November Moray | Library protestor pursues legal challenge http://www.northern-scot.co.uk/News/Library-protestor-pursues-legal-challenge-11112013.htm Northern Scot : 11th November Moray | Reverse decision or…

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