Inside Moray : 12th October
Cabinet Secretary to ask Moray Council to reconsider Libraries closures

First News : 12th October
Nine libraries set to shut doors in Sunderland

Public Libraries News
See this pinterest board
“A notable thing about library cuts is how many people protest against them” – Ian Anstice, on Twitter

Sunderland closures

Sunderland Echo : 11th October
Sunderland library occupation ends peacefully
At one point, 60-year-old Helmut Izaks handcuffed himself to a library security scanner.

Sunderland Echo : 11th October
Nine condemned Sunderland libraries close their doors today

Craven Herald & Pioneer : 11th October
Anger over new uniforms for cash-strapped Skipton Library
One member of staff, who wished not to be named, said: “This is totally ridiculous when the library service is pleading poverty and closing branches all over the place.”

Manchester Evening News : 11th October
Volunteers save Burnage Library after council cuts threatened its future 
Council library staff will be on hand for about 15 hours a week at the newly-christened Burnage Library, Activity and Information Hub.

DAILY TELEGRAPH : 11th October
Michael Palin: people only realise the value of a library after it’s axed
People only realise the value of a library after it’s been axed, Michael Palin has said, as he encourages communities to fight closures.

London Evening Standard : 11th October
“That money would be better spent on the libraries and schools that help immigrants to learn English

Sunderland libraries protest

Public libraries nationwide had something to celebrate on World Mental Health Day #WMHD, 10 October. Many ran special events.


To highlight the successful launch of their Reading Well mental health promotion.

This scheme features special collections in every library – tried and tested self-help titles on anxiety, depression and other common mental health problems.

Loans of these books went up 51% in just one month.

Some titles were issued 250% more!

Simple, really. A unified public service like libraries can work together, get on board with the GPs’ and psychiatrists’ national bodies – and make help easy to find for everyone.

Everyone who still has a local library, that is.

Who got it together? A charity, The Reading Agency (TRA), and the Society of Chief Librarians (SCL).

Did the government do anything?


Is the government doing anything to halt the mass closure of local libraries?


Just since April this year, 352 libraries (309 buildings and 43 mobiles) have been closed or dumped on to volunteers, or are threatened with this fate. That’s on top of an estimated 78 (plus 14 mobiles) lost in 2012-13, and a documented 201 in 2011-12.
(We can’t give more exact figures because the government doesn’t publish them.)

Janene Cox, SCL President, says: ‘Libraries have always served the entire community and with our health offer, we have further cemented the role of libraries in helping society’s most vulnerable people.’

Debbie Hicks, of TRA, says: ‘Libraries are one of the only free places where older people can gather access a spectrum of health and well being services, from learning how to go online for health information, picking up a self help book or joining a reading group.’

The Library Campaign says: ‘Given half a chance, public libraries do fantastic work – at minimum cost. This is just one example. But this will soon be wiped out in many areas. A national network, giving convenient local access to all, will soon simply no longer exist.”

Does the government get it?


Does it care?


pharmacy library

THE GUARDIAN : 10th October
Super-libraries herald a new age in the life of a humble institution

The rise of super-libraries is an example of the growing inequality in the provision of libraries across the country

THE GUARDIAN :  10th October
Wales’s cultural landscape is being bulldozed by cuts

THE GUARDIAN : 9th October 
Diary: Ed Vaizey – he’s a minister in tune with the public

Public Libraries News : 9th October
Editorial Reasons to be cheerful or, well, part of one: the BBC public opinion survey

Gazette Series : 10th October
South Gloucestershire Unison in possible strike action at libraries tomorrow

SWLondoner : 10th October
Campaigners fear for future of Croydon libraries uncertain after facilities outsourced

This Is Lincolnshire : 10th October
I am just as concerned as anyone over threat of library closures : 10th October
Doncaster ruling means councils can’t force mayors to revise budgets, top judge finds

Save Moray Libraries : 9th October
Libraries campaign is set for debate at Holyrood

Galloway News : 10th October
Council shop doctor criticises plan to move Dalbeattie library 
Bill Smith is paid by the local authority to offer advice to town centre shops on how to increase footfall and improve their business.

Brent Council Lib Dems : 9th October
New venue for councillor’s surgery as Lib Dem Leader forced to leave old Barham Park library building

barnham library

THE BOOKSELLER : 9th October
Jarvis leaves library role, replaced by Goodman 

Question Everything : 9th October
Questions to Swindon Borough Council on Libraries

This Is Hull & East Riding : 9th October
Thousands face sack in Hull City Council contracts row

Inside Moray : 9th October
Library campaigners highlight Moray Councillors’ ‘broken promises’
“In reminding people of what councillors actually said to the electorate at the last local elections we hope that those representatives concerned take a long and hard look at themselves and the reprehensible line that they have taken.”

North London Today : 9th October
Enfield Libraries’ updated computer systems ‘riddled with faults’

Daily Post : 9th October
Libraries, sports facilities and street light all under threat as Wrexham Council face £54m cuts

Wrexham Council leader, Neil Rogers

BBC News : 8th October
England’s young adults trail world in literacy and maths

BBC News : 8th October
Carol Buck loses Doncaster library funding appeal

ITV News : 8th October
Former Doncaster Mayor wins library legal battle

Yorkshire Post : 8th October
Ex-Doncaster mayor wins legal fight on libraries

Inside Moray : 8th October
Call for communities to rally against ‘reprehensible’ cuts

Sunderland Echo : 8th October
Fresh protest against Sunderland library closures
Protesters will gather tomorrow to demonstrate against library closures. Hands Off Sunderland Libraries plans to meet outside Southwick Library.

Horncastle News : 8th October
December D-day for library plans
A public consultation closed at the end of last month. Thousands of people took part with the vast majority thought to be against the cuts. A team of experts from Sheffield University has been called in to scrutinise the responses.


Cambridge News : 7th October
Big Society-run libraries in Cambridgeshire never happened – but the big cuts have : 7th October
Bradford | Radical Library Camp: in the fight over information, librarians start to get organised
We want to help provide a space for these discussions to take place and a network through which actions based on these discussions might occur. Our workplaces and our professional body, CILIP, aren’t capable of meeting these needs, so we’re taking direct action to meet these needs for ourselves.

The Star : 7th October
Letter (Sheffield) Council out of touch with concerns of local people

The Star : 7th October
Letter | Library closures an attack on the poor

BBC News : 7th October
Northamptonshire parents ‘to use libraries for child advice’
including “concerns”

Northampton Chronicle : 7th October
Plans to offer services at libraries for problem families

The Scotsman : 7th October
Protest march against Moray library cuts planned

Scottish Greens : 5th October
Library Cuts Condemned at Scottish Greens Conference


This Is Lincolnshire : 6th October
Thousands become library users amid protests over cuts
5,294 new members joined the service during July and August.

Horncastle News : 6th October
Letter | Lincolnshire County Council will aim to keep all libraries open
from Councillor Nick Worth, Executive member for 

Horncastle News : 5th October
Letter | Lincolnshire County Council’s library article just political spin
The best letter I’ve read this year – Shirley B

Addicted to Property : 6th October
New £12m Library Proposed For Westminster

The Star : 6th October
Sheffield MP (Nick Clegg) backs residents’ fight to save their library

This Is Gloucestershire : 5th October
‘Yarn bombing’ of Cheltenham Library


Thanks to Shirley Burnham for the links that we post daily on our website.  Here is today’s round up of news relating to libraries.

The Library Campaign 
Briefing Paper for the Libraries APPG 

THE GUARDIAN : 4th October
‘Libraries are key to helping people access other public services’ The man who will run libraries in the Triborough in south-west London on why it is important to engage with local communities

Melville House : 4th October
Even the good news about Britain’s local libraries is bad

Get Hampshire : 4th October
Library space could be leased out after readers turn to technology

A plan has been approved in principle to lease out space in libraries in a bid to save money

Yellow Advertiser : 4th October
Libraries lend themselves to excellence 
Havering council’s library service scored top marks in the five areas of customer service  …. The award was given by SGS, the world’s leading inspection company.

Public Libraries News : 3rd October
Editorial | “Libraries are the ideal place for people to go and get support for their great ideas” (Eric Pickles)

ACE : 3rd October
Arts Council England announces the ten library services who will deliver economic growth in communities

BBC News : 3rd October
Islington’s The Kindness Project library opens
David Goodfellow from TKO said: “We’re trying to put the books back into people’s hands.” : 2nd October
‘Grim’ Council Cuts Probable As Shortfall Predicted To Grow
Reduce libraries expenditure by 50% over a two year period, keeping open half of those facilities that will act as hubs for welfare reform changes.


Alan Gibbons Diary : 2nd October
Ed Vaizey admits to being “completely useless”

THE BOOKSELLER : 3rd October
Ten ‘enterprising libraries’ chosen for scheme

BBC London : 3rd October
The Breakfast Show Libraries – Lauren Smith
on iPlayer – 22 minutes + 20 seconds “in”

CILIP : 3rd October
High profile speakers complete Speak Up for Libraries conference line-up

The Star : 3rd October
Groups seek to take on Sheffield libraries
“We want community groups to develop their own business plans and we could support them for the first 15 to 24 months before they can be run independently.”

Peterborough Telegraph : 3rd October
Deepings: Lincolnshire library consultation has ended
It has been classed among the tier three libraries in the county and would be replaced by a visit from a library van for between six and eight hours every four weeks.

This Is Lincolnshire : 2nd October
Libraries are social hubs and vital communication links

Stannington library

Huffington Post : 2nd October
Ed Vaizey Says ‘Completely Useless’ Description Is ‘So True’

Chamberlain Files : 2nd October
Cash cuts may force Birmingham community libraries to close, city council admits

Manchester Evening News : 2nd October
Stockport | Library hours are slashed in new cuts to save £160k : 2nd October
Debate on future of Sheffield libraries
Councillors in Sheffield are meeting today to discuss the future of sixteen libraries. : 2nd October
Norfolk to consider merging adult education and library services

Denby Dale Community Project : 2nd October
Biddy Fisher – Trustee tells us the background to the issues with the library
provision and her involvement to secure its future

This Is Grimsby : 2nd October
District council outlines concerns over libraries closure plan 
“Due to the sheer size of the district, at over 700 square miles, and the fact that many of its communities are very isolated, the council feels that the static or mobile library is, for some, a lifeline to the outside world and a chance to access a service that otherwise would be inaccessible to them.”

The Socialist : 2nd October
Lincoln: 400 march against Library cuts

Bristol Post: 2nd October
Poll backing over library
Campaigners fighting to stop the leasing of two lower floors of Bristol Central Library for primary school use say a Bristol Post online poll confirms that the public backs their campaign.

Stockport town hall

The Library Campaign has presented the following briefing paper to the Libraries All Party Parliamentary Group:

You can download a copy here.




Briefing Paper for the All Party Parliamentary Library Group



1.0  Introduction


Campaigners are grateful for the opportunity to meet the All Party Parliamentary Library Group (APPLG). We hope this paper will highlight some of the issues that most concern library campaigners, library users and the volunteers who are increasingly being forced to run library services. The needs of all these groups are routinely ignored by government (both central and local). It might also perhaps enable the APPLG to discuss some or all of these issues with the DCMS (the ministry responsible for supervising and improving the English public library system) and Arts Council England (ACE), whose remit is to investigate how the service is to meet the challenges of the 21st century.


1.1     We recognise the financial pressures facing local government. Councils must make tough decisions in allocating resources. Despite its statutory nature, the public library service is often first in line for cuts (and too often thought by decision-makers to be a ‘discretionary’ service).


1.2     Campaigners acknowledge that not all professionals have promoted the service effectively, delivered maximum efficiencies or improvements, or made the best use of new technologies.  However, there is also a failure by both local and central government to grasp the “joined-up government” agenda, insofar as there is little appreciation of libraries’ impact on the priorities of the public sector and of national policies. These include health, social welfare, business, digital access and education (a human right in law, encompassing both orthodox and digital literacy).


1.3     Also ignored is extensive research demonstrating the economic and health benefits of comprehensive and efficient library services, available to all who wish to use them.



2.0     The “Leadership Void”


The underlying issue is what the APPLG once described as the “leadership void”.  Both the current Minister and the Shadow Minister have acknowledged the problem. There is no single body that provides strategic leadership, or a shared and implementable vision, or advice/support for individual authorities, or a means to share best practice.


2.1     When in Opposition the Minister supported the idea of a library development and improvement agency. However, the DCMS and ACE now favour “distributed leadership” (a concept that defies definition), by means of a poorly-co-ordinated mix of official bodies, agencies and a part-time DCMS library advisor. Many resources deemed essential by library users and volunteers are not provided at all.


2.2            Public libraries have been the subject of numerous reports and consultancy studies in recent years including Framework for the Future, Blueprint for Excellence, the two-year Library Modernisation Review, the Future Libraries Programme, the Libraries Development Initiative and the most recent, Envisioning the Library of the Future. It could be argued that the sector has been over-researched, but has lacked leadership and effective action.


2.3            There is a generally held view that the public library service is in crisis, and the DCMS, ACE and the Society of Chief Librarians are failing to provide bold, imaginative and effective leadership, or to advocate a powerful message about the value of public libraries.



3.0     The Current Situation


3.1     The DCMS and ACE, surprisingly, do not monitor closures or the transfer of libraries to volunteer groups. They rely on data collected by CIPFA, which is limited and is published many months in arrears. The most recent CIPFA data is for 2011-12, when 201 library “service points” were closed.


The only up-to-date national information service, Public Libraries News (PLN), is provided by one individual, unfunded, in his spare time. PLN publishes a comprehensive list of closures based on local press reports. This shows that at least 78 libraries were closed or transferred in 2012-13, and a further 335 have been threatened since 1 April 2013. This suggests that at least 614 libraries will have closed or transferred within three years, matching CILIP’s December 2012 forecast of about 600.   For the  current position in individual local authorities the APPLG is referred to


3.2     As the service can expect significant further cuts in the next two years (2014-16), The Library Campaign predicts that at least 1,000 libraries could be lost by 2016. This does not seem an unreasonable estimate.


  • Almost all the closures will be branch libraries, providing essential services to communities, notably in deprived and rural areas and small towns. This represents a radical change in the whole concept of the service. Yet neither DCMS nor ACE has addressed the implications.


  • Where libraries remain open, there is widespread ‘hollowing out’ and de-professionalisation of the service. Expert staff are made redundant, opening hours and stock reduced, building maintenance neglected, outreach and specialist services cut, access to information and national networks lost because counter staff lack training. Often communities – especially those most in need – lose many of the benefits offered by a ‘proper’ library service. Nationwide, people are forgetting what these are. The damage will thus become permanent.


3.3.    We recognise that a number of new or refurbished libraries have opened. These are mainly large central libraries, notably in Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool. However, a few shiny, new or refurbished libraries cannot disguise the nationwide loss of hundreds of community libraries. Indeed, their high costs frequently contribute to the closure of branches.


3.4            The number of library authorities in England totals 151. This is a 54% increase from before the last major local government re-organisation. Yet in Northern Ireland there is now just one single library authority. The Minister has suggested that the number of separately managed library authorities in England could perhaps be reduced by 30%, a percentage which some would regard as a minimum.


3.5     CIPFA reported that the total operating cost of the public library service in England was £896 million in 2011-2 with the main areas of expenditure as follows:


–         Library staff and management: £484m (54%)

–         Buildings: £104m (11.6%)

–         Council corporate services charges: £144m (16%)

–         Books: £55m (6.2%)


The main change in recent years has been the very significant increase in corporate service charges, funded by substantial reductions in professional staff, book and material funds.



4.0            The Impact of Closures


4.1     Announcements by individual councils that they  intend to close libraries have been met with widespread local protest.  Several requests have been made to the Secretary of State to intervene, using his/her powers under the 1964 Act, without success. This unwillingness to intervene is surprising, given the Minister’s support for a more active policy when in opposition. It has led to a number of applications for judicial review against local authorities, based on procedural failures in putting together closure schemes. As the CMS Select Committee has said, library policy should not be made in the courts.


4.2     Even where campaigners have been successful, the reaction of the local authorities has often been to remedy the procedural faults, but impose substantially the same scheme.


4.3     The major concerns have been:


–         failure to consult properly; that local groups have been forced to save their local library by taking it over, without proper support or advice; and


–         the impact of closures on the disadvantaged: those living in rural communities and those in areas of severe deprivation (the latter group whose interests the Minister strongly supported when Shadow Minister, and which were highlighted in the widely respected Wirral inquiry, under the 1964 Act).


4.4     The Culture Minister has written to councils on three occasions, reminding them in general terms of their statutory duty. However, there has been no government guidance to define the “improving”, “comprehensive and efficient” service for all who wish to use it that is required by the 1964 Act, let alone to ensure that every authority provides it. Yet clear standards are laid down in both Wales and Scotland.


4.5     Again there seems to be a lack of “joined up government” in failure to ensure that:


–         local libraries are located in conformity with the guidance on accessibility of public facilities contained in the National Planning Policy Framework, or

–         in conformity with the guidance on health issued by, for example, NICE


Nor is there any understanding that accessible local branches are needed, if libraries are to contribute to improving literacy (including digital literacy), education and access to the government’s online services.


4.6     Ironically, the closure or transfer of small branch libraries often delivers relatively small savings. The big costs are in overheads and infrastructure (and in charges for corporate services). Yet the impact on rural, small towns and deprived areas can be huge. Significantly, there is no agreed or sustainable model for volunteer-run libraries. There is no guidance on core issues such as:


–         health and safety;

–         child protection; and

–         compliance with copyright and data protection legislation.


The Library Campaign has given a list of 23 such issues to DCMS and to ACE, with no result.


4.7     Nor has anything been done to ensure that volunteer libraries are properly supported by librarians or receive adequate resources, including internet access, access to the local library management system, printed books and e-books. The lack of central support has ensured much muddle and duplicated effort at local level, further reducing any possible savings.



5.0     The Sustainability of Volunteer-run Libraries


There is increasing concern that many branch libraries have been “cast off” by their local authority without adequate support. Many are not sustainable without adequate funding, resources and professional support.


5.1     Many volunteer groups are struggling to save their local library. They have no source of advice except The Library Campaign (unfunded) and the volunteers who run Little Chalfont Community Library. The latter have so far provided ad hoc free advice to 130 organisations (latterly with some Cabinet Office funding).


5.2     The Museums, Libraries & Archives Council (MLA) did flag up some of the issues relating to volunteer-run libraries before its demise almost two years ago. The DCMS has promised to provide a report on the impact of volunteer run libraries to the CMS Parliamentary Select Committee before the end of 2013.  However:


  • volunteer groups have already been struggling with these issues for over two years.


  • Volunteer-run libraries may work, after a fashion, in well-heeled areas, but are less likely to do so less prosperous parts of the country.



  • significantly, some councils – such as Bolton – have already concluded that volunteer libraries are not the solution to the problems facing the library service.


6.0            The Closure of The Advisory Council on Libraries (ACL)


The 1964 Act requires an independent body to provide advice to the Secretary of State. When the ACL last met in 2010 it had eight members, with a wide range of expertise. The annual direct cost of the ACL was just £2,500. The head of the DCMS library unit acted as secretary.


  • The Minister announced that the ACL would be closed, not realising that it was statutory. In 2012 he appointed a retired local government officer as his part time advisor. This means greater cost, but considerably reduced expertise coupled with a perceived lack of independence.


  • The DCMS has belatedly realised that the decision to close the ACL will have to be subject to public consultation, which gives an opportunity to question its correctness.


  • To date, the advisor has not met any local campaign groups or civic trusts that have submitted formal complaints or requests for intervention about their council’s plans or, it is thought, even the councils in question.   Perhaps the advisor might be asked to explain his role to the APPLG, particularly as there is a gap in engagement with local communities which the DCMS has not attempted to fill, seemingly preferring to make decisions from the comfort of its Whitehall offices.


7.0     The Arts Council’s Involvement


ACE replaced the MLA two years ago as the strategic agency responsible for public libraries.  However:


  • there seems to have been some initial confusion as to its role but we now understand this is to “improve and develop” public libraries.


  • ACE has only a part-time library director and five regional relationship managers to support 151 library authorities.


7.1     ACE recently completed a research study costing close to £250,000 (£222,814 – plus undeclared internal costs). This repeated the results of many previous studies. It identified four traditional priorities, but specifically excluded mentioning the cuts which will fundamentally change all the report’s underlying assumptions, viz :


–         place the library at the hub of the community;

–         make the most of digital technology and creative media;

–         ensure libraries are resilient and sustainable;  and

–         deliver the right skills for those who work in libraries).


7.2     ACE has also published a report on volunteer-run libraries.  It has been widely condemned for its unquestioning acceptance of this fast-accelerating trend and its failure to analyse the implications.


7.3     ACE’s libraries director recently met representatives of The Library Campaign. A report of that meeting was published, with ACE’s approval, by Public Libraries News. It is fair to say that there was considerable disappointment with what ACE had to say, focused on:


–         ACE’s failure to provide any practical support;


–         the fact that after two years it is unable to describe any clear plan of action for “improving and developing” public libraries;  and


–         the failure to list the outcomes that it hopes to deliver.


There is, therefore, some scepticism about ACE’s level of commitment, its understanding of the issues, its level of expertise in the sector and its ability to deliver.  In a recent BBC radio programme, the director referred to the desirability of amalgamating libraries, but the problem demands far more radical solutions.



8.0            E-book Lending


8.1     A research firm has been appointed to undertake pilot studies to assess the benefits and impact of e-book lending in public libraries. The results may not be known until late in 2014. This is a disappointment to many library users and librarians, and will further weaken the ability of public libraries to compete with commercial e-book providers such as Amazon.


8.2     There is a need for a national e-book catalogue and lending service. Otherwise 151 separately managed authorities must get their act together and find funding to invest in the required technology (which is, currently, often unfriendly to users). Campaigners note the interest in the USA for Patron Driven Acquisition (PDA). This enables suppliers to give access to a comprehensive catalogue, but make payment (to publisher and author) only for actual loans.


9.0     Conclusions


This brief can give only a summary of some key issues and concerns of library campaigners. We believe that:


  • bolder and more imaginative initiatives, many of which are applicable to local government in general, could be taken by library authorities to manage their resources better, including controlling corporate charges, sharing services with other authorities, simplifying management structures, outsourcing support services, making optimum use of technologies and implementing best practice; vested interests in councils should not be permitted to prevent consideration of such steps and their adoption where appropriate.


  • despite the problems in many authorities, others continue to find efficiencies and improve their libraries to meet the specific needs of their communities. There is a woeful lack of research to identify the factors for success. The current library advisor to the Minister wrote that the service is “variable”. Others argue that the provision of a proper library service for many communities is fast becoming a postcode lottery.


  • the APPLG in the past, together with the current Minister, Shadow Minister and the professional bodies, have discussed the issue of leadership. It is clear that that the very real problems faced by the service cannot be ignored if we are to improve literacy, education and access to information, knowledge and the digital world.


  • there is an urgent need for all those responsible for delivering a “comprehensive and efficient” public library service for all to up their game. Austerity and cost-driven vandalism must not become an excuse for authorities to close libraries, transfer them to volunteers or “hollow out” the remaining libraries. Superior solutions are available, as some of the better-managed services have shown.  There is a crisis; it can be an opportunity.


Banffshire Journal : 1st October
Library campaigners line up court battle against council
“We have consulted with a local solicitor and established that any challenge to the Moray Council decision would need to be made via a judicial review at the Court of Session. Details of our complaint has now been passed to advocates who will be in a position to advise us on if, in their opinion, a judicial review stands any chance of succeeding. We will also be informed of the likely costs involved in raising an action in the Court of Session.”

BBC Radio Lincolnshire : 30th September
Alan Gibbons debates library closures with council leader Martin Hill
Listen at 2 hrs 21 mins “in”

Rutland Times : 1st October
County council libraries consultation ends
grim detail well reported

Louth Leader : 1st October
ELDC does not support library proposals
East Lindsey District Council has revealed will not support Lincolnshire County Council’s controversial proposals for the future of local libraries.

Globe & Mail : 1st October
University of London director resigns over plan to sell rare Shakespeare works
The director of a library at the University of London has resigned after he spearheaded a controversial plan to sell off part of the university’s rare collection of works by Shakespeare.

bbc radio lincolnshire

Sunderland Echo : 30th September
Anger as Sunderland library closures are rubberstamped

ITV News : 30th September
Lincolnshire |Library campaigners vow to fight until decision
News report Video

BBC News : 30th September
Lincolnshire County Council libraries consultation ends
quotes are worthy of note, particularly from a former Chief Librarian to the Labour Party

The Lincolnite : 30th September
Final push for anti-libraries closures campaign
Over 25,000 people across Lincolnshire have signed petitions against the closure of their libraries, as the County Council’s closure plans consultation ends.

The Linc : 30th September
Lincoln public show support for Save Lincolnshire Libraries

Ledbury Reporter : 30th September
Herefordshire Ledbury’s Library hours will be halved to save money

Save Lincs Libraries Campaign : 30th September
UK Library Commentator on Lincolnshire Libraries

This Is Lincolnshire : 30th September
Video |Library campaigners hand petition to county council
video at foot of article

Herald Scotland : 30th September
Moray | Council under fire over move to close libraries

Brent Council LibDems : 30th September
Audit report shows true cost of Brent Council pay-offs 

BBC News : 29th September
Southend’s £27m The Forum library poised to open

Suffolk Free Press : 29th September
Museum could be switched to library
Sudbury Heritage Centre may be relocated to the town library in an effort to boost visitor numbers and give it extra space.

Daventry Express : 29th September
Sponsorship for town’s library?  
A Review of libraries across Northamptonshire has highlighted an opportunity for a business to sponsor Daventry’s new library.

Thame Today : 29th September
Guest Column: Tough story with a happy ending for community libraries
by Martin Phillips, Bucks County Council’s cabinet member for community engagement

Not a single community wanted it as a first choice and all of them saw it as a cut in service.

Spalding Guardian : 29th September
Letter | Libraries: Have wishes of residents not been considered?


Gazette Series : 27th September
Strike action to close South Gloucestershire libraries tomorrow

Market Rasen Mail : 28th September
Letter | Libraries – Figures don’t stack up

This Is Grimsby : 28th September
Brand new chapter for library as it closes for big revamp

Spalding Today : 28th September
Academy in talks to run town library
University Academy Holbeach and the University of Lincoln are in talks with county council leaders to take over the running of Holbeach library.

Holbeach reading rooms

THE GUARDIAN : 27th September
Library visits down once again as closures continue

BBC News : 27th September
Library visits drop by a quarter in eight years

Good Library Blog : 27th September
DCMS figures show dramatic decline in reading in English libraries

STV : 27th September
Campaigners to face council in court battle to save seven libraries
inc. TV news video

Blackheath Bugle : 27th September
Lewisham Council is hiding library numbers
Surely the council can have nothing to hide! Like, how are “community” libraries faring compared with the ones still being run by the local authority?  Come on, Lewisham. You’ve handed over almost half your libraries to volunteers. Now let the people who are doing your work for you see how they’re doing.

This Is South Wales : 27th September
Neath Port Talbot Unions’ call for library stance by communities
“We are calling on the local authority to work with the local communities and local community councils or town councils to come up with an alternative to closure.”

Buckingham Today : 27th September
More changes afoot for library services
How would you fancy popping to the library in your local pub, shop or post office?
From November, mobile libraries will call only once a month, rather than once a fortnight, saving £100,000.

Northampton Chronicle : 27th September
Library visitors across Northamptonshire drop by 62,000 in two years

Jesmond Local : 27th September
Newcastle | Jesmond Library reopens after financial cuts in June
Relief, tinged with sadness

mobile library 3 : 26th September
A Nation of Culture Vultures
includes link to DCMS Taking Part Survey – Libraries (see Chapter 4)
In the year ending June 2013, 36.2% of adults reported using a library service, a significant decrease from 48.2%in 2005/6 and 38% in 2011/12

DAILY EXPRESS : 26th September 
Death of the library? Shock fall in users as government cuts bite
Annie Mauger, Chief Executive of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), said: “These figures are shocking but sadly not surprising. When there are less libraries, less librarians and less money to spend on stock you can’t be surprised if usage drops.”

THE GUARDIAN : 26th September
Children’s reading shrinking due to apps, games and YouTube

Nielsen Book data suggests that 32% of children read books every day, and 60% every week. But these percentages are falling as digital entertainment rises

THE BOOKSELLER : 26th September
Gadgets trump reading, Bookseller Conference hears 
The number of children who rarely read—or do not read at all—has risen in the past year, according to new figures from Nielsen Book revealed at The Bookseller’s Children’s Conference today (26th September).

Hampshire Chronicle : 26th September
Hampshire civic chiefs to lease space in libraries
County chiefs are looking to boost civic coffers by hiring out surplus space in libraries as “hot offices”. Plans include leasing rooms on a daily rate or longer-term commercial lease to businesses and individuals. Library chiefs argue many reference books can now be read on-line via subscription sites in libraries so less space is needed for books.

Sky TV : 26th September
Video | ‘Hands Off Our Libraries’: Sunderland Campaigners March To Prevent Closures

Sunderland Echo : 26th September
Angry protest as Sunderland library cuts rammed through

ITV News : 26th September
Campaign against library closures in Sunderland
a selection of photographs

The Star : 26th September
Letter | Sheffield | Councillors failed to stand up for locals

You Tube : 26th September
How much does Surrey County Council’s library policy cost? 
After today’s Communities Select Committee at Surrey County Council, Richard Wilson chatted to Cllr Robert Evans about the shocking lack of information on the cost of the ideologically driven policy to replace paid library staff with volunteers.

The Scotsman : 26th September
Moray library protestors begin legal challenge

Save Lincolnshire Libraries Campaign : 26th September
How big is the iceberg, if the “tip” is 100 pages of A4?

Bourne Local : 26th September
Deadline nears on council library consultation
The community is fighting to save the library and the council confirmed no-one from the Deepings had expressed an interest in a volunteer-based service.  County councillor for Deeping St James Phil Dilks (Lab) said:  “The people of the Deepings are crystal clear in the fact that they want to keep their council-run library.”

Horncastle News : 26th September
Voices unite to fight Lincolnshire’s library closures
“Coningsby library is the only one in walking distance of my house, and the only place I can get to to do my university work and access books for research.”

The Echo : 26th September
Library protest at Forum Southend opening
Campaigners will protest about possible library closures as Southend’s new £27million central library opens.  Library users will join union members in calling for branch libraries in Southend to be kept fully-staffed when the new Forum Southend library opens in Elmer Square on Monday.

This Is South Wales : 26th September
Library service to change in Neath Port Talbot
It means that nine libraries across the county are facing closure — Cwmllynfell, Gwaun-cae-Gurwen, Seven Sisters, Ystalyfera, Blaengwynfi, Briton Ferry, Taibach, Cymmer and Resolven Library.

Brent Council Lib Dems : 26th September
Library supporters demand answers to Barham Park buildings mystery
Campaigners to re-open Barham Park Library are demanding an explanation for why Labour-run Brent Council is ignoring its own decisions about the future of the library building.   …  Councillor Alison Hopkins, who chairs the councils budget and finance scrutiny committee, said:  “It seems very odd ..”

Harrow Observer : 20th September
Library campaigners secure second bookshop space 
“We want our library back and will continue our campaign through direct action and service for local people.”

Sunderland Civic Centre

THE GUARDIAN : 24th September
Sue Charteris |Libraries are trusted spaces, but this doesn’t mean they have to stay the same

Public Libraries News : 23rd September
Editorial | Three controversial ideas – council overheads, 3D printing and LibraryPlus

Huddersfield Examiner : 24th September
Volunteers on the road to taking over Denby Dale library and building new £250,000 centre
Like all the 26 libraries in Kirklees, Denby Dale’s is under review and has funding secured only until March 31 next year.
Biddy Fisher, former President of CILIP, is quoted

The Star : 24th September
Some Sheffield libraries could go private

Evening Telegraph : 24th September
Angus library cutbacks ‘a crying shame’
Council cuts saw Angus libraries shut for almost 30% more of the time over the last 18 months.

Inside Moray : 24th September
Equalities Commissioner to consider Moray Libraries closures in October

Denby Dale Library

Northern Scot : 23rd September
Equality Commission to consider Moray Council library decision

THE BOOKSELLER : 23rd September
Blackman: ‘ringfence library budgets’

Good Library Blog : 23rd September
Lincolnshire public library service

Liverpool Echo : 23rd September
Earl of Wessex opens Liverpool’s Central Library

Lancashire Evening Post : 23rd September
Campaign launched at Lancashire libraries for improved reading
Lancashire County Council is launching a new campaign to encourage school age children and their parents to use the library service.   …  The adverts will feature on billboards, buses and posters, as well as being advertised in schools and children’s centres across the county.

Local Government Chronicle : 23rd September
So what are libraries for then?
The focus is not on borrowing, but about people feeling connected – to localities, to their potential and that of their families and to help needed at key times.

Bourne Local : 23rd September
Letter | Cuts are based on incorrect figures
Apparently Thurlby Parish Council has received a reply, apologising for basing the mobile library cuts on incorrect figures.  Why has this apology not been published by Lincolnshire County Council? Has the data been corrected? Is Thurlby’s mobile service safe?

This Is South Wales : 23rd September
Councillors hope to save Briton Ferry Library from closure
“It is the oldest library in Neath Port Talbot and one of the oldest in the Wales,” he said. “This library is unique. It is an icon of the town.”

Prince Edward

Public Libraries News : 24th September
Editorial | Past President of CILIP helps lead plans for volunteer library

BBC News : 25th September
Sunderland City Council to close nine libraries

Sunderland Echo : 25th September
Protestors slam ‘undemocratic’ council after authority says Sunderland library closures are a done deal

Derby Telegraph : 25th September
Libraries, care homes and 1,600 council jobs facing the axe substantial section on Libraries

Save Lincolnshire Libraries Campaign :
Big Library March | 17 Links to TV, Radio, Press and Blog Coverage

Giles McNeill’s Blogspot : 25th September
Letter | Nettleham Parish Council Responds to Lincs CC’s Library Proposals Describing them as ‘Irrational’ 
This is a Tory parish councillor
Also, you can *listen again* to BBC’s ‘Melvyn in the Morning’ (24 Sept) by clicking here

Grantham Journal : 25th September
Grantham councillor joins hundreds in protest against proposed library cuts

Motherwell Times : 25th September
Refurbishment to create new village facility
The project is a first in North Lanarkshire, with finance coming from the change fund programme for older people which supports people for longer in their own homes.

In Cumbria : 25th September
New library opens today on Carlisle estate
The Morton Library Link will open for 73.5 hours a week in the community centre in Morton Manor, replacing the previous service which was upstairs in the centre and open for just 15 hours a week.

Sunderland Civic Centre

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