THE GUARDIAN : 24th September
Sue Charteris |Libraries are trusted spaces, but this doesn’t mean they have to stay the same

Public Libraries News : 23rd September
Editorial | Three controversial ideas – council overheads, 3D printing and LibraryPlus

Huddersfield Examiner : 24th September
Volunteers on the road to taking over Denby Dale library and building new £250,000 centre
Like all the 26 libraries in Kirklees, Denby Dale’s is under review and has funding secured only until March 31 next year.
Biddy Fisher, former President of CILIP, is quoted

The Star : 24th September
Some Sheffield libraries could go private

Evening Telegraph : 24th September
Angus library cutbacks ‘a crying shame’
Council cuts saw Angus libraries shut for almost 30% more of the time over the last 18 months.

Inside Moray : 24th September
Equalities Commissioner to consider Moray Libraries closures in October

Denby Dale Library

Libraries News Round-up: 30 January 2018

Harrow Times: 30 January Harrow libraries brought in-house following Carillion liquidation Scottish Daily Record: 30 January Final decision on potential library opening time cuts looms in West Dunbartonshire…