A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter

BBC News : 30th January
Council budgets: Watchdog warns of front-line cuts
The National Audit Office (NAO) said there had been cuts to libraries and social care, and some councils faced a “challenge” to meet their obligations while avoiding financial difficulties.

ACE : 29th January
The Arts Council’s Director, Libraries talks about the recent community libraries research

THE GUARDIAN : 29th January
Beware Eric Pickles’ quiet revolution

THE INDEPENDENT : 29th January
Arts organisations braced for belt-tightening as Arts Council passes on Government cuts 

East London Advertiser : 30th January
Tower Hamlets | Public invited for sneak peak of new Watney Market Idea Store

Cambridge News : 30th January
Library visitor totals drop after budget cuts
An investigation by the News has found that fewer people are using libraries as savage cuts bring hard times to the institutions.  Even the state-of-the-art Cambridge Central Library in the Grand Arcade has seen visitor numbers fall by 20,000 in a year from 873,175 in 2010/11 to 853,000 in 2011/12.

Local Government Chronicle : 30th January
York pioneers library mutual
The report said the council could not afford to retain the service and there was “little evidence” of any private sector market in library provision, while neighbouring councils had not been interested in a shared service.

York Press : 30th January
York leaders in libraries pledge 
Coun Nigel Ayre, Liberal Democrat culture spokesman, said:  “Labour need to actually ask residents who they want to run the service and explore all options before taking this step, as I think there are genuine issues with these plans.”

Streatham Guardian : 29th January
Upper Norwood Library’s future resolved

THE BOOKSELLER : 29th January
Amazon ‘to put advertising on Kindles’ 

Southern Reporter : 30th January
Scottish Borders | New chapter opens in library provision 

The Library Campaign