Get Bucks : 30th January
Buckinghamshire libraries aim to be ‘heart of communities’
If he was correctly quoted, this “Library Services Manager” makes some astonishing statements

Wirral Globe : 30th January
Council leader blasts ministers in row over Wirral library cuts

Brixton Buzz : 30th January
Lambeth Council proposes to sell Minet and Waterloo Libraries, and end funding for 3 others

Wales Online : 30th January
Hopes of reprieve for Cardiff libraries threatened by cuts are dashed by just TWO VOTES … 

Express & Star : 30th January
Wolverhampton | Jobs to go and opening hours slashed in £100k cut to community centre budget
To open for 58 hours a week, down from 75.  It houses the area’s first ever library.

Peterborough Today : 30th January
Peterborough arts chiefs put service fears to city council bosses
Emergency meeting between Vivacity and City Council officials 

Bromley Times : 30th January
Last chance to have say on libraries
inc. “community management” of 6 

North Devon Journal : 30th January
Ambition to move Bideford Library into the Burton Art Gallery could be given the green light soon

Coventry Telegraph : 30th January
Letter | I have so much to thank the library for and the thought of losing it, staff losing their
jobs, Bell Green becoming more and more deserted, is totally untenable’


Libraries News Round-up: 1 December 2015

THE BOOKSELLER : 1st December Croydon may close all but one of its libraries THE BOOKSELLER : 1st December Barnet | Campaigners raise thousands to challenge library cuts Droitwich Advertiser…

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