Library News Round-up: 15 July 2015

Public Libraries News : 14th JulyCuts in Camden, more details on losses in Bucks, Dorset and Worcs also note under 'national news' on the same PLN page, a furious email about…

Library News Round-up: 30 January 2015

Get Bucks : 30th JanuaryBuckinghamshire libraries aim to be 'heart of communities'If he was correctly quoted, this "Library Services Manager" makes some astonishing statements Globe : 30th JanuaryCouncil leader blasts ministers in…

Libraries News Round-up: 19th October 2013

The Star : 19th October Campaign to save Sheffield library branches hotting up Huddersfield Examiner : 19th October Kirklees libraries service wins BASE award THE INDEPENDENT : 18th…