Islington Gazette : 7th August
Secret Islington Council document: further details uncovered
Libraries ‘options’ clarified

Despite repeatedly promising not to close any libraries, both proposed plans for the future of book lending in the borough involve closure.

Islington Gazette : 7th August
Half libraries in Islington to shut under secret council proposal
What the proposals envisage: closing five libraries; West, Mildmay, South, Lewis Carroll and John Barnes

Local Government Lawyer 
The latest on cuts – the Lincolnshire libraries case
It is important to take advice to ensure consultation does not occur either too early or too late. There is plainly no use in a consultation exercise without any idea of potential outcomes. Equally, central elements of any plan cannot be pre-determined, as occurred in this case.

Wales Online : 7th August
Vale of Glamorgan libraries facing cuts as council struggles with budget
Introduction of community supported or managed libraries …
Bookfund cut from £220,000 to £195,000
Opening hours likely to change – opening later and closing earlier 

Save Lincs Libraries : 6th August
“Will Councillor Martin Hill please… “

Huddersfield Examiner : 7th August
Kirklees Petition launched to save libraries in Batley area 
“Uniquely in Batley and Spen, our library services are enhanced hugely by their buildings. Close or relocate the libraries to a pokey corner somewhere else and you diminish the service and experience for everyone.”

Burton Mail : 7th August
Staffordshire | More than 1,000 people respond to library consultation

All of the people have come forward within the first three weeks of the consultation, which the authority described as ‘encouraging’.

Think Tank | New Local Government Network (NLGN) : July 2014
On With The Show – Supporting Local Arts & Culture
Libraries feature prominently throughout this new NLGN report

Library sculpture

Libraries News Round-up: 14 March 2018

Reading Chronicle: 14 March Liberal Democrat campaigners have urged Wokingham Borough Council to oppose the closure of Maiden Erlegh Library Tamworth Informed: 14 March Staffordshire | Libraries to offer…