The Lincolnite : 13th August
Libraries are a cost-effective front door to council services

This Is Lincolnshire : 13th August
Campaigners wary of Lincolnshire Co-operative’s olive branch for libraries

CILIP Press Release
CILIP supports UK Government Knowledge & Information Management profession

lincolnshire library

THE BOOKSELLER : 12th August
‘Spiral of decline’ for Anglesey’s libraries

Public Libraries News : 11th August
Editorial | Go in poor, leave feeling rich

This Is Lincolnshire : 12th August
Lincoln ‘save our libraries’ protest march date confirmed
So far, 20,000 people across the county have signed petitions to save libraries from closure.

The Lincolnite : 12th August
Lincolnshire Co-op offers to save six county libraries
The Co-op’s offer will now be considered as part of the on-going libraries consultation.

This Is Scunthorpe : 12th August
Lincolnshire | ‘People may not use libraries at all in 15 years’

On The Wight : 12th August
New mobile libraries take to the roads
In the coming weeks, both new library vans will also have a computer  installed, which will allow access to the Internet free of charge  meaning users can access online council services.

pharmacy library

Alan Gibbons Blog : 10th August
Stand up for Southend Libraries
Alan’s summary, with photographs

This Is Wiltshire : 10th August
Swindon | Shop is a lifeline for the community
Peter Mallinson, the chairman of the Walcot Community Charity Shop, said:  “We were one of the first libraries to be run entirely by volunteers. We started this four years ago not thinking that we would be so successful, it’s been a roaring success.”

This Is Lincolnshire : 10th August
Protest heads to the council over libraries
Campaigners will march on County Hall next month in a bid to save 32 libraries from closure.

This Is Lincolnshire : 8th August
Does the council only want the answers it desires over libraries?
It seems to me that Lincolnshire County Council is effectively sticking two fingers up at people in the way it is handling the issue of library closures.

Southend Libraries March - image thanks to Alan Gibbons
Southend Libraries March – image thanks to Alan Gibbons

Public Libraries News : 8th August
Editorial | “If the pie is too small, the answer is to make the pie bigger”

Reading Agency to release dyslexia help books

This Is Derbyshire : 9th August
No more cuts plea from library customers

Wimbledon Guardian : 8th August
Letter Council want to invest in, not close, Wimbledon library

South Wales Argus : 9th August
Volunteers determined to re-open Stow Hill library in Newport
The group needs at least 25 volunteers and must present a draft business plan to Newport council by August 15, the meeting heard. Councillor David Fouweather, member for Allt-yr-Yn ward, compared the council closing the library to save £12,000 to “a paracetamol in the River Usk”.

heart book

This Is Derbyshire : 8th August
More  job losses are now feared at Derby City Council
Job losses are “inevitable” and libraries and children’s centres could be run by volunteers because of £39 million of new budget cuts at Derby  City Council, unions have warned.  Council leader Paul Bayliss has conceded he could not rule out more job losses.

BBC Radio Lincolnshire : 8th August
iPlayer | Martin Hill defends signing library petition

Spalding Today : 8th August
(Update) Council chief signs libraries petition
“He’s clearly trying to face both ways on the issue but the Deepings  people aren’t fooled by this and they know where Martin Hill stands.”

This Is Lincolnshire : 8th August
Local authority slams Lincolnshire County Council library proposals

Harrow Observer : 8th August
Ten library jobs ‘at risk’ amid technological revamp in Harrow

Marion Brighton

Louth Leader : 7th August
Lincolnshire County Council accused of ‘false economy’ over proposed cuts to library services            
“I have a great deal of concern about the effects this will have on  the literacy levels of the county, this is false economy by the county  council.  It’s going to be robbing future generations of a decent level of literacy.”

Horncastle News : 7th August
Lincolnshire | Talks hold key to future of Horncastle area libraries            
The forum comes after widespread claims the council’s own process is flawed and did not involve any meetings in Horncastle, Wragby, Woodhall Spa or Coningsby.

Sleaford Standard : 7th August
Lincolnshire | NKDC’s library concerns            
Members expressed concern about the impact and wished to see the service retained across the district urging the county to work with parish  councils and communities towards solutions. They required longer term  assurances about financial support to volunteers. The executive were  particularly concerned about the removal of libraries from the north of  the district, instead relying on the Lincoln library, creating costs and difficulties of access.

The Echo : 5th August
Southend | Library protest
Mr Copley, of Orchard Grove, Eastwood, a former mayor who served for  more than 40 years as a Southend councillor, vowed to fight any move to  axe the library. He said:  “I was one of many local residents who  campaigned vigorously in the Fifties for a local branch library to be  established in Eastwood and eventually Southend Council produced plans  to build what became Kent Elms branch library. That opened in July 1964  and is now set the celebrate a half-century of vital service to all  sections of the community.  I will be leading the fight to keep the library open and full staffed with professionals.”

Unpaid library fines could cost you your degree
plus worthwhile comments

Horncastle library


BBC News: 5th August
Lincolnshire libraries face axe in £2m budget cut
“If any community wants to set up a library in a village hall, we will  help them stock it – the only thing we won’t be able to do is man it.”

This Is Lincolnshire : 6th August
Council leader Martin Hill signs petition to save library
Leader of Lincolnshire County Council Martin Hill has signed a petition  against his own authority’s plans to pull funding from the library  service.

Stamford Mercury : 6th August
Council leader’s U-turn on Deepings Library petition   

Spalding Today : 3rd August
Letter | Library Closures: Ten things we think are really unfair

THE GUARDIAN : 6th August
Libraries don’t have to be a thing of the past – just look at Melbourne’s

Western Telegraph : 4th August
Pembrokeshire | Next chapter in county library story undecided
“In short, it is not feasible to proceed with the project in these straitened times.”

Brent & Kilburn Times : 6th August
Campaigners to celebrate first birthday of community library on Saturday
Friends of Barham Library (FOBL) will be holding a special event on  Saturday to mark the opening of the reading room in the High Road.

Brighton & Hove News : 6th August
Brighton library demolished as builders prepare ground for replacement

Martin Hill


CILIP have announced that National Libraries Day will round off a week’s worth of celebrations in public, school, college, university, and workplace libraries on Saturday 8 February 2014.

National Libraries Day shines a light on the people that provide access to knowledge in our communities, workplaces, schools, colleges and Universities; librarians and information professionals. Every day they are improving literacy rates, connecting people with the information they need to succeed and helping to build a fair and prosperous society. Saturday 8 February 2014 and the week leading up to it will be a chance to say thank you, to witness first-hand the vital work that they do and to show decision-makers that our libraries and librarians are assets to be treasured.

For National Libraries Day 2013, thousands of people took part in over 500 events in libraries across the country, including author visits, live music performances, book clubs, family history days, stand-up comedy and behind the scenes tours. Highlights included record-breaking school librarians, Dalek invasions and pole-fitness classes.

National Libraries Day is a grassroots campaign with leading charities, local authorities, library campaigners and library staff involved. The Steering group is made up of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), the Reading Agency, the School Library Association and the Society of Chief Librarians.

CILIP logo

CILIP President, Phil Bradley said, “In the 21st century libraries are more necessary than ever. We are in the middle of an information revolution and librarians and information professionals are central to it. Their contribution to society is immense and wide-ranging and includes helping people to find work, supporting the government’s digital by default agenda, improving literacy and encouraging reading for pleasure. National Libraries Day is a celebration of what is great about our libraries and librarians I urge everybody to join the fun and send a clear message that they are much loved and much needed.”

The Twitter hashtag is #NLD14

Public Libraries News : 4th August
CILIP’s suggested new name revealed, the e-lending pilot takes shape … and the rest of the news

Cumbernauld News : 4th August
North Lanarkshire | Town centre library bought to book            
“People who don’t have a computer are dependent on the full service of a  library and they really are running the risk here of having their  benefits stopped. It’s just not good enough and I will be contacting the council about this.”

book shelves

DAILY MAIL : 3rd August
Librarian, 57, who stood up to a family of yobs was arrested and forced to wear ‘degrading’ hood by police
Sussex, England

Good Library Guide : 3rd August
There are still taxpayers paying for the library profession  – that needs to be stopped

sussex police station

Library e-lending pilots take shape

This Is Croydon Today : 2nd August
Privatisation of Croydon libraries rubber-stamped

This Is Local London : 2nd August
Harrow Library changes to be rolled out over the coming months
The changes part a new deal agreed by Harrow Borough Council for John Laing Integrated Services Ltd (JLIS) to deliver library services from September.  John Laing Integrated will run services in both Harrow and Ealing for the next five years.

BBC News : 2nd August
Suffolk libraries divestment ‘a success’ says former protester

Rosehill Readers : 31st July
SCC: Round in circles
an informative report

Hereford Times : 2nd August
Final chance for your library view
Ledbury people have until next week to let their views be heard on future library provision in the town – a public consultation comes to an end on Thursday.

S W Londoner : 2nd August
Campaigners triumph as Merton Council safeguard Wimbledon Library from future redevelopment

This Is Local London : 2nd August
Merton Council u-turn over controversial Wimbledon Library development plan

harrow library

CILIP : 1st August
New name for library and information professional body proposed

CILIP : 31st July
New name for library and information professional body proposed

Library Journal : 1st August
Ian Clark | UK Report Recommends Author Payments for Library Ebook Lending

Crosby Herald : 1st August
Sefton Council is set to pay consultants up to £500 per day despite making redundancies
The move comes as Sefton battles £50m worth of cuts including shutting seven libraries, two of them in Crosby.

This Is Lincolnshire : 1st August
Author slams councillor’s three-car comment on Library closures

This Is Lincolnshire : 1st August
Actress Minnie Driver latest to sign Lincolnshire libraries petition

Camden New Journal : 1st August
New chapters for community libraries
“We are saving something from the wreckage.”

belsize library

Council defends decision to stock extremist books at Woolwich library

Booktrade Info : 31st July
Irate UK librarians call for no confidence vote on Minister Vaizey

Good Library Guide : 31st July
Copyright- libraries – and the changing world of access

Swindon Advertiser : 31st July
Call for ‘friends’ to support Liden library
Residents are needed to help promote and support the library’s services, to fundraise and have a say in how to get the best out of the facility.

Spalding Guardian : 28th July
Letter | Meeting was to find ways to shift the cost

Dr Zakir Naik

Local Government Chronicle : 29th July
Grants to be cut by extra £95m to plug gap in safety net
Funding for councils is set to be cut by an  extra £95m next year after the government miscalculated aspects of this  year’s funding settlement.  The Department for Communities & Local Government has  informed councils it will have to hold back millions of pounds more of  revenue support grant in order to plug a hole in this year’s settlement.

Public Libraries News : 27th July
Editorial | Lincolnshire Council’s consultation gets into further hot water … and has national implications

The Lincolnite : 30th July
Save Lincolnshire Libraries campaign gathers over 1k signatures

Sleaford Standard : 30th July
Library cuts an ‘act of cultural vandalism’

Skegness Standard : 30th July
Lincolnshire libraries consultation event in Skegness branded ‘shallow and hollow’
“I know how difficult it is not only to recruit volunteers but to keep them,” he said.

Map – Libraries under threat in Lincolnshire
Courtesy of the Lincolnshire Echo

THE GUARDIAN : 30th July
Lambeth’s library app challenges residents to make tough choices

This Is Local London : 30th July
All Surrey libraries to lose music CDs by next year

skegness library

LocalGov : 29th July
Croydon outsources library services
The council has signed an eight-year contract with John Laing Integrated Services (JLIS).

Judicial review process to be made tougher
The Ministry of Justice is to make it tougher for judicial reviews to be   brought to court, following concerns that the procedure is being abused by   pressure groups and campaigners.

Boston Standard : 29th July
Council bosses defend Boston venue choice for library consultation

MK Web : 28th July
MK libraries performing above the national average


Spalding Guardian : 27th July
Protestors wanted public hanging claim
They said the 2001 census used to identify libraries under threat did  not reflect growth in the area – and the meeting was nothing more than a seminar to discuss how they could volunteer to run their facilities.

Barnsley Chronicle : 27th July
Council ‘will not close any libraries’

Carnegie Trust
The Future of Public Libraries—culture/the-future-of-libraries

Holbeach library

Children ‘too distracted by technology to listen to stories’
It has revamped its library and introduced a Jackanory-style “storytelling   space” to encourage teachers, librarians and visiting authors to read aloud   to young children.
Miss Kelleher said children were “growing up in a world that’s filled with   white noise”.

Question Everything : 25th July
Is that gross breadsticks or net breadsticks?
I know things can be fractious between  campaigners and librarians and we won’t agree everything but I hope we  can agree on this, Vaizey isn’t doing the job he is paid to do.

This Is Bristol : 26th July
Will we  ruin  library for  sake of 30 private school places?
I quote  from an email received by me from a serving member of the  lending library staff who is muzzled by their contract of employment.

Petition: Retain Bristol Central Library
Anyone can sign – so please sign !

ITV News : 26th July
Lincolnshire | Video – Row over library closures
A Lincolnshire community says their children are being let down by the council’s plan to close two thirds of their libraries. There are currently 45 libraries in the county, but the council would like to stop running 30 of them. Volunteers and a mobile service would  be left to fill the gap. Michael Billington reports.

Skegness Standard : 26th July
Consultation into library closures to be held in Skegness            
The consultation itself has also been branded a ‘skewed, disingenuous  process’, which fails to give those completing it a chance to properly  air their views.

Express & Star : 26th July
Work to start soon on new Wolverhampton library hubs
Work will begin within weeks to create  controversial community ‘hubs’, which will bring library services and  community centres under one roof.

Manchester Evening News : 25th July
Rochdale | Libraries are spared axe – but they must offer more
Coun Williams said the no-closure policy would apply to all 17 of the borough’s libraries and the mobile library.–must-5314060

Shelf Free : 26th July
‘Frictionless’ ebook lending from public libraries

Telegraph & Argus : 26th July
Bradford | MP Philip Davies visits reprieved Wilsden library

Kidderminster Shuttle : 24th July
Worcestershire | Bewdley Library could be moved to health centre

Low Hill library

CILIP to debate ‘no confidence’ motion in Vaizey : 25th July
Library campaigners slam business influence on arrangements to run Library of Birmingham
Library campaigners have criticised the unrepresentative composition of the proposed Strategic Management Board of the Library of  Birmingham.

Luton set for library closures
Five of the area’s eight libraries, as well as its mobile service, are  being considered for either closure, relocation or downsizing. At least  two are expecting to be closed.

Luton Today : 25th July
Libraries face axe in council’s saving schemes
more detail

Stamford Mercury : 25th July
Library campaigners secure meeting in the Deepings   

This Is Lincolnshire : 25th July
Residents “not given enough time” to ask questions at library consultation
Councillor Worth was asked whether libraries would re-open in the result of an  economic boom in the future.  Councillor Worth said: “Not if our group  (Conservative) is in control of the council – but it is a democracy.”

Louth Leader : 25th July
Fury over library consultation not taking place in Mablethorpe or Sutton on Sea but instead in Louth where services are not at risk

Independent Catholic News : 25th July
Christian bookshops get major boost from charity book scheme
A charity that helps churches give good Christian books to libraries  in their community is now working through Christian bookshops, giving  them a much-needed boost.

save deepings library

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