Laura Swaffield, Chair of The Library Campaign, was asked for an off the cuff comment on the novel approaches being planned in Midlothian Libraries on 2nd February, which is Love Your Library Day in Scotland, though given little information about the activities on offer.

The activities planned,  including what some papers are referring to as ‘pole-dancing classes’ and table tennis using books in place of bats, have not only raised eyebrows but certainly got a lot of people talking.  The ‘pole-dancing’ is little more that a one-off fitness session on offer to over 16s in a single  library on the day.  Other activities planned are Scottish country dancing, workshops for would-be authors, X-box competitions to engage youth and their parents, and musical performances.

The story has been covered in The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Scotsman and today in The Independent so the novelty of the activities has certainly grabbed a great deal of publicity! You can read the articles via the links below:

DAILY TELEGRAPH : 18th January
Library under fire after offering free pole-dancing lessons to encourage users

THE GUARDIAN : 18th January
Library turns to pole dancing to entice new readers

The SCOTSMAN : 18th January
Plan to encourage people to visit library by offering pole fitness session among books

The INDEPENDENT: 19th January
Scottish library offers pole-dancing lessons

Laura was misquoted in The Telegraph article.  We reproduce the comment she added to the article here. Laura wrote, 

“I’d like to reassure members of the Library Campaign that I haven’t really turned into Lady Bracknell, as quoted.
For instance, I’d reserve ‘absolutely appalled’ as a comment on the fact that 200 public libraries were lost last year and another 300 are likely to go this year.
Even using books as bats looks acceptable compared to that.
Laura Swaffield

The Library Campaign is very clear that we support local groups, in what ever they feel best meets local needs, and do not sit in judgement. The concept of using books as bats  does seem a little far fetched and some will see it as showing little regard to the mainstay of libraries – the precious and varied book stock within. The details are sketchy and the books may not even be intended to be used as physical bats or they may be mock ups or even written-off stock.

The choice of activities has certainly got Midlothian Libraries an awful lot of attention in a very short space of time across the UK and if that draws in more people, allowing the service to shake off a stuffy image or attract people who would not usually use libraries that can only be a good thing.

What do you think?

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Sky News : 18th January
Campaigners Plan Occupation Of Newcastle Libraries In Fight Against Cuts

Chronicle Live : 18th January
Axe council jobs to save Newcastle’s libraries, leaders told

DAILY TELEGRAPH : 18th January
Library under fire after offering free pole-dancing lessons to encourage users

THE GUARDIAN : 18th January
Library turns to pole dancing to entice new readers

The Scotsman : 18th January
Plan to encourage people to visit library by offering pole fitness session among books

This Is Croydon : 18th January
Council promises no loss of books as library moves from ‘derelict’ site 
New Addington’s library, along with all but one other in the borough, is to be taken over by John Laing Integrated Services in a deal being finalised. 

A follow up to this article is anticipated on the Save Croydon Libraries blog tomorrow.

Darlington & Stockton Times : 18th January
Council raises thousands charging for net use

Buckingham Today : 18th January
New page opens for Winslow’s library? 
The Friends Of Winslow Library aim to retain the services of one professional librarian, assisted by a team of volunteers, which should save the county council about £20,000 a year.

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.
THE BOOKSELLER : 17th January
Westminster library staff tackle bosses on cuts

The Library Campaign : 17th January
Westminster library staff claims are swiftly refuted

THE INDEPENDENT : 17th January
Letter Bin it – from Anne Papworth
As a person living in a rural area that has now had its mobile library and regular (infrequent) bus service axed, I would be horrified to learn that my local council was using limited resources to restore weekly bin collections, as suggested by Eric Pickles. Anne Papworth
Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire

Post Lib Magazine – Issue 66
Features: Frances Hendrix | Stay Calm and Carry On Quietly? I Think Not!
Scroll down to locate.

THE GUARDIAN : 16th January
What should a library look like in 2013? Answer: ‘Open’

BBC News – Sunday Politics South
Dorset volunteer libraries open
on iPlayer

Chester Chronicle : 17th January
Hoole library in Chester reopens in residential suburb
The reduced library service, based in Hoole Community Centre, Westminster Road, has taken over from the former Hoole Road premises, which closed due to health and safety.  Hoole Community Development Trust has agreed to accommodate the facility although Cheshire West and Chester Council will still be responsible for running services but using volunteers.

Southport Visitor : 17th January
Sefton | Chance to have say in Southport library debate is over as consultation closes
Summing up the mood in Ainsdale to council leader Peter Dowd last week, Cllr Haydn Preece wrote: “If libraries are lost, they will be lost forever, impacting on future generations. If we can compromise, saving especially iconic buildings such as Ainsdale’s, we can redevelop in future more prosperous economic times.”

News Shopper : 17th January
One year anniversary of Bromley-Bexley shared library service

Surrey County Council : 17th January
Children’s library loans rocket

Artist's impression of The Forum, Southend on Sea

After posting this, yesterday:

The Staff in Westminster have written and publicised this open letter to their local councillors and are happy for it be be shared more widely.  We are only too happy to oblige.  They write,

To the Councillors of Westminster,

Westminster Libraries currently uses less than 1% of the council’s overall budget. We have 11 libraries, an archives service, a reference library, a music library, a home library service and the largest online database for any public library service in the UK.  We provide books, DVDs & CDs, Internet access, CV building workshops, Under 5s sessions, class visits, language and computer courses, community groups and workshops and engage teenagers through projects like Fast Forward which has taken over from the connexions career Services: We promote health, community and citizenship and provide a free space to work, socialise and study for residents and visitors.

We now have Parking, Council tax, Rescard, Housing and OneStop services incorporated into our day-to-day duties with no additional funding as a service or as employees; In fact we’ve provided all these services at this low cost whilst going through 5 years of cuts that has already closed libraries, reduced our budget and decimated our staff levels each and every year.

When employment goes down, our workload goes up, and as homelessness increases and incomes plummet, our footfall increases. Year-on-year we’ve risen to the challenge of providing all these services for that ever shrinking less than 1% of the council’s budget.

In 2011, Westminster Council hired two new department directors at the rate it cost to run St James’s library which they were closing at the same time.

In that same year, Westminster councillors refused a 5% reduction to wages above £100,000 to save £3.5 Million because the saving would be too insignificant to justify; but library staff have been asked to bear double that cut for only 10% of that saving.

The solution to unemployment cannot be to fire people, and the solution to debt is not to cut income generating, job creating, and crime preventing services.

Not only is it a statutory requirement to provide this service, it is our moral obligation to do so. With new challenges, we need new

ideas, not old mistakes and any further cuts to our library service budget would be a drop in the ocean compared to almost any other department in a council that has often stood in the spotlight on the international stage.

We ask that this race to the bottom is brought to an end; and that Westminster council commits to investment rather than cuts so we can continue the good work that we do for the small budget we have.

The Staff of Westminster Libraries

There has been a further development today, shared here, with permission:

In response, Davis Ruse, Tri-borough Director of Libraries and Archives, robustly refutes the claims.  He writes,

The claim that Westminster City Council is planning the wholesale decimation of its library service is straight off our fiction shelves.  I can state now that there will be no library closures and no cuts to opening hours and no reason to think that the excellent range of services described will be reduced.

Like all local authorities the Council is faced with tough financial challenges, and that includes the library service. But our innovative partnership with Kensington and Chelsea and Hammersmith and Fulham has allowed us to make significant savings and so protect front line library services. We are also about to invest £12 million in a new library for Marylebone.

The Council knows how much local people value libraries and is committed to a first class service.

David Ruse

Tri-borough Director of Libraries and Archives

London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Westminster City Council

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.
Voices for the Library : 16th January
An open letter from the staff of Westminster Libraries to their local councillors
THE BOOKSELLER : 16th January
Libraries ‘fundamental’ says Hurd, as TRA celebrates Reading Challenge rise

New Statesman : 16th January
Nick Forbes: Newcastle’s king of cuts
Then the conspiracy theories started: the figures are exaggerated to give Forbes a political weapon; the libraries are being cut ahead of other services because it’ll provoke the most publicity (Andrew Gilligan suggested that in the Telegraph); ambitious Forbes is using the cuts to raise his profile and climb the Labour ranks. So now everyone is attacking Forbes, rather than the Government. So I asked him for an interview and he said yes. : 15th January
Another Public service filling the cuts with workfare 
Workfare to fill the void in a heavily cut library service
This week Boycott Workfare has been alerted to the use of workfare to fill the void in a heavily cut library service.
Lewisham’s transfer of 3 public libraries to Eco Computer Systems was done under the premise of engaging the local community with the library service in the face of huge cuts. However there is no hiding the scale of the cuts as the outsourcing has seen a 66% fall in books issued at Sydenham community library. The only community engagement there now appears to be is forcing people to work for free.

BBC News : 16th January
Gloucestershire council spent £238,000 on library closure case

Alan Gibbons Blog : 15th January
Libraries are statutory, councillor : 16th January
Women’s Institute believes community managed libraries are unsustainable
This could mean according to Bond “the creation of a two-tiered system of library provision that undermines the benefits of skilled and trained library staff and underestimates the role that they play in both delivering an effective public service and supporting communities.” Whilst the WI admits volunteers bring a “tremendous contribution” to the library network it does not believe they are an acceptable alternative to paid library staff.

Bournemouth Echo : 16th January
Dorset Future of Wool library handed over to new volunteers

THE BOOKSELLER : 16th January
Children still prefer reading physical books, finds Scholastic

Manchester Evening News : 16th January
The cuts pain goes on: 830 jobs to go at Manchester town hall and council tax to rise
Six libraries will shut, but council bosses plan to move five of them into existing community buildings such as SureStart centres. : 16th January
Manchester City Council publishes proposed budget
It is proposed to replace six smaller libraries with outreach libraries or community book collections in alternative community premises, with some ICT provision as we have already done in Clayton and Northern Moor and are doing in Barlow Moor. These would be managed by a community group or partner organisation. The libraries affected are Burnage, Fallowfield, Miles Platting, New Moston and Northenden. Levenshulme Library is proposed for closure but a new library facility for Levenshulme will share a building with the new leisure centre.

Postcode Gazette : 16th January
Sheffield Library review: politicians’ war of words over closures 
The timetable for community groups and businesses to come forward to help keep local libraries open has been slammed as “hopelessly unrealistic” by a leading councillor.  Council chiefs this week began a two-month search for organisations and individuals willing to help in meeting the running costs of Sheffield’s 27 community libraries, in a bid to keep them open.

Get Surrey : 16th January
Virginia Water library alive with community spirit
There was proud talk of community spirit as Virginia Water’s library was reopened at the weekend with more than 50 villagers already fully trained for their volunteer duties.

FINANCIAL TIMES : 16th January
Sound of silence is yet another sales tool
Refuges of tranquillity are under siege as peace and quiet becomes an increasingly rare commodity

Socialist Worker : 15th January
Libraries Packed Newcastle meeting shows mood to fight for services

South Wales Argus : 16th January
Councillors disappointed by Newport libraries closure
“It’s a short-sighted move and the cabinet member needs to reconsider.”

Publishers Weekly : 15th January
Influence of Bookstores and Libraries Eroding for Children – Study by Bowker
On the topic of digital, a surprising shift back to print was seen since spring 2012, and for the year e-book adoption growth was flat among teens, with some evidence that teens are like print more in the fall than they did in the spring. One possible reason for this, according to Bookigee CEO Kristen McLean, who presented the results of the report at the Children’s Publishing Goes Digital conference put on by Publishers Launch on Tuesday, could be the “shininess” wearing off new devices and, as people become accustomed to what digital can offer, they are making more nuanced decisions regarding reading habits.

The Staff in Westminster have written and publicised this open letter to their local councillors and are happy for it be be shared more widely.  We are only too happy to oblige.  They write,

To the Councillors of Westminster,

Westminster Libraries currently uses less than 1% of the council’s overall budget. We have 11 libraries, an archives service, a reference library, a music library, a home library service and the largestonline database for any public library service in the UK.  We provide books, DVDs & CDs, Internet access, CV building workshops, Under 5s sessions, class visits, language and computer courses, community groups and workshops and engage teenagers through projects like Fast Forward which has taken over from the connexions career Services: We promote health, community and citizenship and provide a free space to work, socialise and study for residents and visitors.

We now have Parking, Council tax, Rescard, Housing and OneStop services incorporated into our day-to-day duties with no additionalfunding as a service or as employees; In fact we’ve provided all these services at this low cost whilst going through 5 years of cuts that has already closed libraries, reduced our budget and decimated our staff levels each and every year.

When employment goes down, our workload goes up, and as homelessness increases and incomes plummet, our footfall increases. Year-on-year we’ve risen to the challenge of providing all these services for that ever shrinking less than 1% of the council’s budget.

In 2011, Westminster Council hired two new department directors at the rate it cost to run St James’s library which they were closing at the same time.

In that same year, Westminster councillors refused a 5% reduction to wages above £100,000 to save £3.5 Million because the saving would be too insignificant to justify; but library staff have been asked to bear double that cut for only 10% of that saving.

The solution to unemployment cannot be to fire people, and the solution to debt is not to cut income generating, job creating, and crime preventing services.

Not only is it a statutory requirement to provide this service, it is our moral obligation to do so. With new challenges, we need new
ideas, not old mistakes and any further cuts to our library service budget would be a drop in the ocean compared to almost any other
department in a council that has often stood in the spotlight on the international stage.

We ask that this race to the bottom is brought to an end; and that Westminster council commits to investment rather than cuts so we can continue the good work that we do for the small budget we have.

The Staff of Westminster Libraries

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

THE GUARDIAN : 15th January
Libraries crisis set to get ‘much worse’ this year

Alan Wylie | Don’t Privatise Libraries : 14th January
Library workers unite and tweet!

WI report on volunteer-run libraries

Good Ereader : 15th January
Bilbary Founder Tim Coates on What Libraries Need

Postcode Gazette : 15th January
Sheffield | Library review: ‘Things have to change’ as council appeals for help 
It comes after more than 6,000 people completed a survey which revealed that the top rated services in libraries was ‘quality and choice of books’.  The next two things which people want are are ‘welcoming and comfortable’ libraries and that they are ‘within walking distance’.
In a blow to council chiefs who are looking to diversify what libraries provide, the survey found that the two least important services and facilities rated by respondents were ‘educational events and activities’ and ‘other social events and activities’.

Sheffield Star : 15th January
Leading Article | Over to you to save libraries 
The message is a straightforward one from the council – unless the Big Society comes to the rescue up to 14 libraries could be closed.  What isn’t clear is how organisations can help run the service. Will they be given budgets, expert support, how will they be run, the list goes on?  The idea is a good one in theory, whether anything more than a simple lending service can ever come from it is debatable – which will mean the aspirations of many of those who filled in the survey will not be met.

Selby Times : 15th January
Plea for volunteers to take on Sheffield libraries

West Sussex Gazette : 15th January
Boost for online shoppers as West Sussex libraries get Amazon lockers 
Lionel Barnard, County Council Deputy Leader responsible for the Library Service, said the lockers are a new and efficient way to shop online.  He added: “They also help provide a regular income and ensure our branches are kept up-to-date with the latest technology.£

South Wales Argus : 15th January
Libraries in Maindee and Stow Hill, Newport could close to save council cash

Bucks Free Press : 15th January
MP praises Stokenchurch villagers as they keep open their library

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

THE BOOKSELLER : 14th January
Library volunteers left without ‘effective support’, says WI

Third Sector : 14th January
Women’s Institute warns against ‘sticking plaster’ of library volunteers

Oxford Mail : 14th January
Rumours fly as temporary library job is advertised
Oxfordshire County Council has advertised for a temporary librarian in the village, sparking rumours the library may be running out of time. The authority hopes 21 of its libraries will be staffed with volunteers after it did a U-turn on plans to close some services.

Brent & Kilburn Times : 14th January
Barham Library campaigners reach target to take over axed branch
Determined campaigners battling to reprieve Barham Library after it was closed by the council have reached a step closer to their goal after raising £10,000.

Chronicle Live : 14th January
Newcastle | Families rally over plans to close Walker Library
Families told council bosses “hands off our library” at a spirited demonstration.

North-West Evening Mail : 14th January
Cumbria | Ulverston Library set to open longer 
A report to the committee said: “The issue of library half day opening times in Kendal, Grange and Ulverston libraries has been an ongoing source of confusion and dissatisfaction to these communities.  Through use of new technology and the flexibility of the staff in adopting better ways of working, we have been able to improve access to services and address a significant issue.”

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Sheffield Telegraph : 13th January
Fears stack up for Sheffield’s community libraries
“We’ve been a marginal ward in recent years but if Labour close our library, they won’t have any councillors around here.”

Public Libraries News : 12th January
“What does a library look like in 2013?” – Summary of Guardian online chat

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.
Bolton News : 12th January
Children’s author slams axing of town’s libraries
Award-winning children’s author and libraries campaigner Alan Gibbons has condemned Bolton Council’s decision to axe libraries — calling it a “huge mistake”.

THE GUARDIAN : 11th January
Council spending cuts: the north loses out to the south
Newcastle v. Wokingham discussed.  Article features a Spreadsheet (cuts listed by council) and an interactive map

Mix 96 Radio : 12th January
Stokenchurch Take Over Their Library
The library, one of 14 around Buckinghamshire that the County Council is encouraging local communities to run, now has 30 trained volunteers ready to serve library users.

See the Libraries *live chat* here, on The Guardian.  Open for further comment over the week end.

THE BOOKSELLER : 11th January
‘Bleak’ 2013 predicted as 300 libraries could be lost  
includes quotes from Phil Bradley, UKSCL, Alan Gibbons and Desmond Clarke 

Public Libraries News : 10th January
[Libraries in parliament]
Public libraries were a topic of debate in the House of Commons with Ed Vaizey defending their transfer to Arts Council England because they’re about culture. I thought they were about literacy, information, community and education as well but, oh well, never mind. Mr Vaizey makes a second appearance today in an announcement that he’ll be speaking at a press conference – along with the Society of Chief Librarians, the British Library and the Reading agency – “unveiling the exciting new initiatives that all public libraries across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, are rolling out throughout 2013.”.

BBC News : 10th January
Brent library closures ‘cost almost same as savings’
Mr Blackman said: “Brent Council closed six of its libraries last year; since then library visitor numbers have fallen by 130,000.  The council attempted to save nearly £1m by saving the branch libraries, however what they’ve done of course is they’ve had to mothball them and its cost them half-a-million pounds.”

THE BOOKSELLER : 10th January
Blog | Let’s talk libraries (Newcastle visit)
He’d been introduced to the library as a child and felt angry that the council was penalizing a demographic that had no access to books, computers, social media and mentoring that affluent people take for granted.

ITV News : 10th January
Lee Hall calls for “direct action” to save Newcastle libraries
with video

Islington Tribune : 11th January
Warning over possible cuts to libraries and youth clubs if government presses ahead with cuts programme

Postcode Gazette : 11th January
Sheffield | Library closures loom as council appeals for volunteers 
Fourteen of the council’s 28 public libraries – as well as the mobile library service – are under threat as the council spends the next two months looking for community partners willing to help keep them open.

The Star : 11th January
Deepest council cuts ever for Sheffield 
Sheffield Council leader Coun Julie Dore said: “The proposals will have a massive impact on services the council provides – everything will change.  By the end of the decade, we will have nothing left other than statutory services and waste collection.”

Barnsley Chronicle : 11th January
Village library could be moved to social club
Coun Margaret Sheard said all libraries across Barnsley were under review, but it was impossible to predict the outcome of the consultation.

Times Series : 10th January
CommUNITY Barnet ‘will not run’ Friern Barnet Library following squatters’ eviction
Libraries portfolio holder Councillor Robert Rams had said the voluntary sector support group would be handed a licence to run the building until official bids were made. But the charity’s interim CEO Denise Murphy told the Times Series that no such agreements were made.

Liverpool Post : 10th January
Revamped Liverpool Central Library expects to attract one million visitors in its first year

article and video

THE BOOKSELLER : 10th January
Library cuts will make Newcastle ‘cultural wasteland’

Journal Live : 10th January
Save Newcastle Libraries campaign group steps up pressure over cuts

ITV News : 9th January
Newcastle Meetings over council cuts
At the Assembly Rooms the focus was on proposed cuts to ten libraries across the City where hundreds of residents were supported by local writers. Among them was children’s author David Almond, and the writer of ‘Vera’, Anne Cleeves.
with video

BBC News : 9th January
Public meeting over Newcastle library closure plans
Mr Hall said Newcastle was in danger of becoming a cultural wasteland

ITV News : 9th January
Newcastle Full Report: Protests over proposals to close libraries
with video

View Online : 10th January
Dorset | Volunteer librarians are facing an uphill struggle

Crosby Herald : 10th January
Sefton |Councillor urges Crosby library users to have their say on Carnegie closure 
“The officers informed us that the respondents to the consultation has been really low so far.  Time is rapidly running out for people to have their say.”

Southport Visitor : 10th January
Sefton | Campaigners urge people to have their say as consultation draws to a close on threatened Southport libraries 
“We have really fought hard to ensure that we keep our libraries because if we lose them now we will never get them back.”

London Evening Standard : 10th January
Don’t destroy Willesden Green town square, pleads author Zadie Smith 
Brent, which closed six of its 12 libraries despite residents’ protests, plans to give part of the existing library site to developers in return for them funding the new building, and said it was an “innovative opportunity” to get a new facility without direct investment.

Darlington & Stockton Times : 10th January
Residents consulted over library services in Stockton
“Although we face a substantial reduction in the library service budget we are committed to maintaining the best possible service.  We know that the Borough’s Library Service is well-liked and well-used – with more than a million visitors last year but the first consultation showed us some libraries are more well used and more efficient than others.”

Flintshire Chronicle : 10th January
Flintshire residents urged to have say on library and information services 
“This consultation is taking place to determine the strategy for Flintshire’s libraries for the next three years. I would encourage everyone to use this opportunity to have their say.”
Flintshire has 13 libraries, a mobile library, a service for housebound people and an online service.

Southern Reporter : 10th January
Scottish Borders | Libraries temporary closure

Public Libraries News : 9th January
Interview with Michael Groenendyk | 3D Printers & Maker Spaces

THE BOOKSELLER : 9th January
McDonald’s to offer £1 deal on 15m books 
The “Happy Readers” offer, which has the backing of the National Literacy Trust, enables customers to buy books for £1, with a token redeemable on selected books at W H Smith. The offer will be featured on Happy Meal boxes until the end of 2014.

The Library Campaign

All links thanks to Shirley Burnham. Follow her on twitter at  @shirleyburnham : 9th January
Rosemary Clarke MBE, 1954-2013
We know that her loss will be felt keenly not only amongst her family and friends, but also amongst the thousands of people up and down the country – librarians, teachers, parents, children and so many others – with whom she shared the Bookstart vision of parents as a child’s first educator.

THE GUARDIAN : 9th January
What does a library look like in 2013? – live chat from noon on Fri 11 January

To talk about what the next 12 months hold for libraries, and how the way they serve and work with their communities might change

Just a reminder that this live chat will be taking place right here, in the comments section of the article. Anyone is welcome to join in, be it watching the whole thing unfold or actively posting comments and questions themselves.  If you can’t make the live element of the chat between 12pm and 2pm do feel free to post a question or comment now for the panel to pick up when they log-in on Friday. Comments will remain on-site as well, so you can check back in to see what was said.
If you would like to join the panel, email Matthew Caines

THE BOOKSELLER : 9th January
Move to hand York libraries to social enterprise 

York Press : 9th January
City of York Council to explore library changes

THE GUARDIAN : 9th January
Northern writers join protests against library cuts in Newcastle

THE BOOKSELLER  : 8th January
Blog Anne Cleeves Cruddas Park Library …

THE GUARDIAN : 8th January
Debating whether outsourcing is good or bad is beside the point
Barnet, Cornwall and Dorset cited

BBC News : 8th January
Unison opposes plans to transfer York libraries to trust
“Libraries are a statutory service and have to be comprehensive and efficient and outsourcing means the council has no control,” she said.  She added: “Staff are very upset and angry and haven’t been consulted about it.

Postcode Gazette : 9th January
Sheffield | “No decision has been made” on future of libraries say councillors

This Is Gloucestershire : 9th January
Michinhampton | Author gives big thumbs up to community library

Times Series : 8th January
Barnet Council announcement leaves Friern Barnet Library squatters on the shelf
Barnet Council has invited a third party to take over Friern Barnet Library, ending any chance of direct negotiations with the current occupiers.  ……….. The news will come as a blow to members of the Friern Barnet Community Library who last week put forward five representatives to begin negotiations with the council.

Broken Barnet Blogspot : 8th January
A betrayal of trust: Barnet Tories, Robert Rams, and the library that will not die

Windsor Observer : 9th January
Dedworth library set to open by the end of the month
The library is anticipated to be open on Mondays from 2-7pm, Tuesdays 2-5pm, Thursdays 10am-1pm and 2-5pm, Fridays 2-5pm and Saturdays 10am-1pm.  However, the Royal Borough is currently reviewing the results of a consultation on how the 21 weekly opening hours should be spread with a final decision due in the week before the library opens.

Cambridge News : 9th January
Great night of music to raise library cash
Supporters of a cash-hit Cambridge library are planning to boost its funds – by staging a rock concert.  Arbury Court library has suffered staff cuts and a reduction in opening hours as part of changes in the library service run by Cambridgeshire County Council.

Newcastle Full Report: Protests over proposals to close libraries
with video




Join the live chat from noon till 2pm on Friday 11 January to talk about what the next 12 months hold for libraries, and how the way they serve and work with their communities might change.

The live chat will be taking place right here, in the comments section of the article.  Anyone is welcome to join in, be it watching the whole thing unfold or actively posting comments and questions themselves.
If you can’t make the live element of the chat, do feel free to post a question or comment now for the panel to pick up when they log-in on Friday.
Comments will remain on-site as well, so you can check back in to see what was said.

Another daily digest of library news items, with thanks to Shirley Burnham.  Follow her on twitter @shirleyburnham for tweets about libraries!


THE BOOKSELLER : 8th January
Cleeves ‘furious’ at Newcastle library plans 

THE BOOKSELLER : 8th January
Five Gateshead libraries to be volunteer-run

Chronicle Live : 8th January
Volunteers could man five Gateshead libraries
“People in Ryton don’t want to lose their library, but the current Friends know from our research that it is a tall order to replace a professional service and run it to the same standard as Gateshead Council,” said Alison.  “The question of whether we can move to a situation where the library is run entirely by volunteers is very much in the air.”

Steve Willshaw : 8th January
Why parents should read for pleasure
The National Literacy Trust and the Reading Association do their best to keep reading in the public eye, but against a backdrop of library closures and in the face of massive publicity for non-text based entertainment, this feels like too little.

American Libraries : 8th January
Digitized to Distraction

ITV News : 8th January
Community runs Dorset library
with video

Children’s Laureate | Reading aloud in class ‘does children no good’ 
Today, she launches a new series of short plays written for schools, featuring work by authors such as Vivian French, Alison Hawes, Steve Skidmore and Steve Barlow.–in-class-does-children-no-good-8441931.html

CILIP : 7th January
Phil Bradley | Happy New Year

The Star : 8th January
Sheffield Care needed over libraries

The Star : 8th January
Sheffield libraries face axe in budget cuts 
Coun Bryan Lodge, council cabinet member for finance, would not reveal which libraries could be closed. He said: “There is a reduction in the amount of money available for the library service and we need to look at how we can best configure the service for the public. That may mean some might be closed or we may ask third parties if they would be willing to run them. There will be some closure within the service, whether that be reduced hours or loss of buildings. We cannot afford the service which is currently provided.”

Northern Echo : 7th January
Volunteers needed to run libraries in Gateshead

Brent & Kilburn Times : 7th January
Book donations to the Friends of Barham Library passes the 6,000 mark

This Is Tamworth : 7th January
Tamworth literacy course on target to be a hit with young learners
Cornerpost Education Centre – formerly know as Tamworth Amateur Boxing Club – runs a sports and literacy scheme for disengaged youngsters.


THE BOOKSELLER : 7th January
Morgan to leave Arts Council 
You Tube : 19th December
Sir Terry Pratchett on Libraries

Ebooks for 20p may be a novel idea, but it spells bad news for literature
BBC News | Education  : 7th January
Essa Academy: Bookless school where everyone has iPad (Bolton)
Surrey County Council : 7th January
Automatic library membership for babies and school children
BBC News : 7th January
Puddletown first Dorset library to transfer to volunteers
Journal Live : 7th January
Newcastle City Council cuts prompt campaigners to take to the streets
Ebooks for 20p may be a novel idea, but it spells bad news for literature

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.
Petition | DfE: Ensure that all school students have access to a well-run school library

SUNDAY SUN : 6th January
Newcastle | Kids in street protest over council budget cuts

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it. For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

ITV News : 5th January
Newcastle | Protests over plans to close city libraries
includes video

ITV News : 5th January
Springwatch presenter speaks out against library cuts

BBC News : 5th January
Chris Packham attacks Cobbett Road Library plan

Daily Echo : 5th January
TV wildlife expert Chris Packham slams Southampton City Council’s proposed library cuts
“We have approached the very active Friends of Cobbett Library but they do not want to run it or prop up council services – and that’s no clearer an example that what the Tories suggest is just not working.”  article has attracted comments

This Is Gloucestershire : 5th January
Michinhampton Much-loved author launches new era for library
But in future, the maintenance of the library building in School Road and its £10,000 to £12,000-a-year running costs would be down to the trust, supported by a small army of volunteers

Huddersfield Examiner : 4th January
Kirklees | Friends group for Golcar library

Times Series : 4th January
Barnet Council ‘disappointed’ by Friern Barnet Library squatters’ plans to appeal eviction

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it. For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

THE BOOKSELLER : 4th January
Packham defends Southampton Library

Times Series : 4th January
Squatters will launch two-pronged attack to prevent eviction from Friern Barnet Library

This Is Somerset : 4th January
Frome Library to close for installation of self-service point
“There will be staff support to help customers get used to the new technology.”


The Library Campaign latest –
We have revised the gift aid declaration wording on our membership forms to reflect the change that came into effect on January 1st, 2013.  The revised forms are now available here.

National Libraries Day 2013 will be held on Saturday the 9th February, with various events running in school, university, work place and public libraries in the week running up to the day.  To find out more about getting involved click here.

Join in the celebration of libraries and if you aren’t already a member of your local library it is the ideal time to join!

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