A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Information Rights and Wrongs : 13th March
The Right to Unknown Information

PublicService.co.uk : 13th March
NHS cash to turn libraries and pubs into digital health hubs

The NHS Commissioning Board has announced plans to get 100,000 more people using the internet to improve their own health.  As part of a new partnership with the Online Centres Foundation, the commissioning board will provide funding to help develop existing UK Online Centres based in libraries, communities, centres and even pubs …

Sky News : 13th March
Newcastle College Provides New Hope For Four Branch Libraries Facing The Axe

This Is Derbyshire : 13th March
New £1.4m Chaddesden library named after Derby MP Phillip Whitehead opens after 12-year campaign

Capita Software : 12th March
Capita launches new white paper: ‘Protecting Library Services’

Daventry Express : 13th March
Innovation award for library enterprise hubs 
Northamptonshire County Council’s library service has received a national award for its work to help local people get started in business.

Eastbourne Herald : 13th March
Library and housing complex underway 
The project is part of a multi-million pound investment in libraries in East Sussex which will also see new facilities built in Hastings and Newhaven. The Seaford complex is expected to open in spring 2014.

Artist's impression of The Forum, Southend on Sea

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Public Policy Exchange
Event | The Future of Local Libraries and Cultural Services
Tuesday April 16th 2013.  10.15 a.m. to 4:30 pm – Central London  (pse read details in the link)

Public Libraries News : 12th March
Southend, Cambridgeshire, Accra and Schrodinger’s Cat

THE GUARDIAN : 12th March
Stamping out poverty as well as books? How libraries can support development
Stuart Hamilton is director of policy and advocacy, at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. He tweets as@IFLADPA

What’s In Kenilworth.com
WCC Libraries Business Case Application Form – A Dragons’ Den Pitch?
Millions of pounds have been made available, and several quangos created, to weaken the public sector by establishing ‘community libraries’.  Apart from the substitution of paid staff,  there are serious concerns about sustainability, equal access and the creation of a postcode lottery, two-tier service.

Five libraries to go in Southend

The Echo : 12th March
Southend Five libraries face closure under plans announced today

Cambridge News : 12th March
Anti-social behaviour on the rise amid Cambridgeshire library cuts, union claims

Don’t Privatise Libraries : 2012
A library glossary!
A witty and thought-provoking list.  For example:
21st Century Library – a shiny glass cube costing millions containing a cafe, a few beach reads and self-service machines located in a town centre.


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Public Libraries News : 10th March
It figures? A look at the real spending on English public libraries 2007/12 

Messenger Newspapers : 11th March
Controversial changes agreed by council executive
Labour councillor, Tom Ross, questioned how Cllr Blackburn could claim to have listened to the public, as 73 per cent of those asked were opposed to the changes. The proposal was passed by the executive, along with changes to library services, which will see full time staff gradually phased out and more volunteers brought in.

The Enquirer : 11th March
Southend | Council to discuss state-of-the-art library
These plans aim to meet the changing needs of library users, to involve the community more directly in operating local branch libraries, and help meet a £378,000 budget cut over the next three years.  Proposals are: (detailed)

UNISON Cambridgeshire : 8th March
Cambridgeshire Libraries used as ‘guinea pigs’ by County Council

Sheffield Telegraph : 11th March
6,500 sign petition in bid to halt library closures 

South Wales Argus : 11th March
Newport | Alan Roderick joins the fight to save Stow Hill Library from closure
“Our library has been singled out to be the fall guy,” he said.  “Libraries are food for the soul and drink for the mind. It amounts to cultural vandalism. We’ve lost our bakery, the butchers, the post office is gone. All we have left is takeaways and charity shops.”  The council said it is offering a service where residents can order books and have them sent to their home.

Loughborough Echo : 11th March
Consultations on libraries and museums’ futures 
Communities in Partnership is holding a private consultation session with a number of invited groups in Loughborough, to help form a response to the ongoing review of the Libraries and Museums Service by Leicestershire County Council.

This Is Bath : 11th March
Libraries re-open after Easter with new fees


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Public Libraries News : 9th March
“I don’t think so” – Ed Vaizey on UK public libraries
An analysis of the points made by Ed Vaizey in his speech to the Local Government Association Conference on 7th March, with added links and PLN comment.

Question Everyting : 9th March
Epistemological? What are you talking about?  
In 2025 the library service is likely consist of lots of badly managed, glass monstrosities, with PFI liabilities soaking up whatever’s left in the library budget. In the areas outside the city centres, in the rough suburbs of Swindon, Sunderland, Liverpool and beyond, in the remote rural villages, in the shires and the Home Counties thousands of communities will have had their beating hearts ripped out, never to recover, never to be replaced.

Good Library Guide : 10th March
Cuts – what cuts?

Luton Today : 10th March
Do people in Luton love libraries? 
Luton Borough Council is currently consulting on cuts to the library service in Luton, asking for views on two proposals, both of which would see the Sundon Park library close.
“Leagrave Library is also being considered for closure …”

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Manchester Evening News : 9th March
The axe falls: Fury as town hall backs £80 million cuts 
The consultation period on the future of all libraries and pools facing closure will continue until April 17 – despite the budget being passed which contains no money to run them. That means outside sources of funding are the only option to save them.

Financial Times | Letter : 9th March
Be that as it may, I would like to suggest some alternatives for the talents of Lord Foster. Before doing anything more to the main library, why doesn’t he update the long-neglected, long-suffering branch libraries? Talk about places in need of atria!

Bolton News : 9th March
Wigan | Library opening hours to change
“We are proud that despite these huge cuts only one library closed as a result of these savings and that library is now open again and being run by Book-Cycle in Beech Hill.  When services are at risk we will continue to work with WLCT and community groups to make sure every opportunity is taken to retain quality services despite huge cuts to our local authority budget.”

Malvern Gazette : 9th March
(New) Mobile library hits the roads
The bus is the latest addition to Worcestershire County Council’s existing fleet of five vehicles. It will enable the council’s libraries and learning department to work with other organisations to allow customers only borrow books, but also access other services.

Don’t Pprivatise Libraries : 9th March
Is Smartsm really smart without Librarians? 
My concerns/questions about stock management in Public Libraries

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

The Stage : 8th March
Ed Vaizey – ‘Crisis? What arts crisis?’

Gov.uk : 7th March
LGA Conference | Speech by Ed Vaizey, Minister for Culture, Communications and the Creative Industries
I’m delighted our library service continues to thrive and modernise. Local Authorities invested £820 million in libraries last year. Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester are all making major investments in their central libraries, and Birmingham’s will soon be the largest library in Europe when it opens this year.

Islington Tribune : 8th March
Letter | Try asking a self-serve kiosk for help?   

Brent & Kilburn Times : 8th March
Kensal Rise Lib campaigners slam All Souls College over ‘secrecy’ claims 

Pontefract & Castleford Express : 8th March
New home for town’s library 
Knottingley Library will move into the town’s sports centre after council bosses rubberstamped plans to sell the land to a retail developer.

The Stage : 6th March
Westminster City Council has confirmed that it will cut all arts funding in the London borough by 2014/15


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

THE GUARDIAN : 7th March
Alarm over secondary school reading habits

Liverpool Daily Post : 7th March
Liverpool council tax up by 1.8% as libraries face the axe


Southport Visitor : 7th March
We need YOU to help save our libraries: Volunteer effort needed to help determined Southport library rescue operation 

Crosby Herald : 7th March
Sefton Action group to form to protect threatened Crosby Carnegie library from closure

Don’t Privatise Libraries : 6th March
The State of London’s Libraries 

Harrow Observer : 7th March
Kensal Rise | Council decision irrelevant for sale of library asset 

Bolton News : 7th March
War of words over Atherton Library 

Express & Star : 7th March
£300k savings from Sandwell libraries buddy-up
Leisure bosses have announced some libraries in older buildings, or some of the smaller libraries with lower footfall, could be moved out altogether to new locations to cut costs and to allow users to access more services.

Dorset Echo : 7th March
Charmouth library set to continue

View Online : 7th March
Charmouth, Dorset | Volunteers re-open library after two months of refurbishment

WSWS : 7th March
The occupation of Friern Barnet Library and future of public services in Britain

UK Authority.com : 7th March
Public libraries of future must ‘navigate real and virtual’ 
The Edge Conference 2013

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Public Libraries News : 5th March
Enterprising community libraries?
Senior figures such as the libraries minister Ed Vaizey, Direct of Libraries for Arts Council England Nicky Morgan and Miranda McKearney of the Reading Agency were in the room.
recommend you read Mick Fortune’s comment at foot of post

SKY TV : 6th March
Sunderland Council To Set Spending Cuts Of £37m Targeting Museums And Libraries

SKY TV : 6th March
Newcastle City Council Budget D-Day On £100M Cuts

Local Guardian : 6th March
Croydon libraries left in limbo after John Laing takeover ‘shambles’

This Is Nottingham : 5th March
City’s mobile library service is almost at the end of the road

This Is Lincolnshire : 6th March
Volunteers offer extended hours

South Wales Argus : 6th March
Two Newport libraries may be unstaffed
and info on the other libraries affected by cuts

This Is Nottingham : 6th March
A new chapter opens in life of West Bridgford library

A total of 20,000 new books have been ordered for the new building, which features 32 public computers, a children’s area, as well as a youth club and community rooms available for hire.


2011 – Summary of the review of statutory duties placed on local government
“…. it is not the intention of the Government to remove the duties which protect such services.”
But it’s the “intention of the Government” to ignore and misrepresent them?

Harrow Times : 6th March
Cllr Susan Hall calls for more to be done about library computers as Gayton Library loses 17 in one year
The lack of working computers in libraries “affects the poorest members of society” a senior councillor has claimed after it emerged one library has lost 17 of its 18 machines in the past year.  Harrow Borough Council’s Conservative group leader Susan Hall said there needs to be more investment so that jobseekers who are too poor to afford a computer can access the internet.


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Jesmond Local : 5th March
Newcastle | Council paying £155,000 a year to private developer for Central Library — until 2034 

Public Libraries News : 4th March
Going Dutch: Private company takes over 4 Dutch libraries for half the cost


Morning Post – Exchange Magazine : 5th March
Author provides the world’s librarians insight on how to develop a “brain gain”
Mexico City, Mexico – Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) co-founder Louis Zacharilla is in Mexico City to help draft a future Trend Report to serve as a guidebook for the world’s libraries and the services they need to provide the public. There are an estimated 315,000 public libraries in the world and Zacharilla joins an elite group of global experts to provide the libraries with a vision of the next five years. 

Witney Gazette : 5th March
Letter Libraries on slippery slope

Mancunian Matters : 5th March
‘Distressed’ campaigners vow to fight proposed closure of Northenden Library in £80million council cuts
“I would like the council to explain how it has taken the ‘opportunity’ to ‘greatly enhance’ the library service in Northenden by proposing to close the library down.”

Burton Mail : 5th March
Getting things right with libraries
East Staffordshire’s libraries are providing valuable and quality services according to a recent countywide survey.  The national Public Library Survey questioned more than 4,870 customers from across the county and 94 per cent rated their local library’s service as either good or very good.  More than 28 libraries were involved in the survey which also revealed levels of customer service satisfaction at a healthy 97 per cent.

THE GUARDIAN : 5th March
Is the BBC ditching books coverage?

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

DAILY MIRROR : 4th March
Two libraries a week being closed by Tory cuts 

Public Libraries News : 3rd March
Librarians better start knowing the price of everything they do or they risk their value becoming nothing

Romford Recorder : 4th March
Library membership soars in Havering
He said: “At a time when many public library services seem to lack political support, Havering Library Service is a shining example of how to provide popular public services at a reasonable cost to the tax payer.”
Cllr Curtin praised the staff at Havering’s libraries as “the most remarkable and committed teams of library professionals in any library service I have seen.”

Postcode Gazette : 3rd March
Library campaigners organise public meeting for Tuesday 
Sheffield Communities Against Library Privatisation (SCALP) is holding a public meeting this Tuesday (March 5).  Campaigners say none of Sheffield’s 28 community libraries should close after the current review into their future concludes next month.  The council has warned that 14 will close if alternative means of meeting their running cots are not found, as the council struggles to makes £50 million of spending cuts from April.

Manchester Evening News : 4th March
Thousands sign up in fight to save library from the axe 
Members of the Burnage Library Action Campaign have now collected more than 4,000 signatures on a petition to be handed to the town hall.
Campaigners say the library on Burnage Lane is the only community facility they have left and is well used by after-school clubs and readers.

Ham & High : 27th February
Cutting Haringey’s mobile library service an ‘absolute crime’
“Why are they working so hard on these three vulnerable groups? We think it is an absolute crime to do this. The mobile service heads to all those places and people who cannot get to the libraries.”

Dorset Echo : 4th March
Downton Abbey creator heaps praise on Puddletown library volunteers

Joanne Harris: Not all sweetness and light 
One reference to libraries:

“We think certain things are immutably permanent, and they are not. I feel very sad, for instance, that we will shortly have to explain to our kids what a library is.”


No posts on the 5th.  Listings will resume on 6th March.

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

LIS PUB LIBS : 1st March
Mick Fortune | RE some sensible and interesting debate

It seems to me that there is something of a disconnect between the widely expressed vision of a 21st century, tech-savvy, highly creative and innovative service and the fragmented, poorly resourced and skill-depleted organisations expected to deliver it



Don’t Privatise Libraries : 2nd March
Does self serve really offer the library user a choice? 
http://dontprivatiselibraries.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/does-self-serve-really-offer-library.html …

Save Croydon Libraries Campaign : 2nd March
Labour’s Statement on #Croydon Libraries 

Buckingham Today : 2nd March
Call for volunteers as library gets go-ahead 
This week, Bucks County Council (BCC) cabinet member for community engagement, Martin Phillips, approved a proposal by the Friends Of Winslow Library which will see the library relaunched as Winslow Community Library.

Local Government Chronicle : 1st March
Exclusive: Brent reveals chief is off pay roll
Brent LBC is paying £200,000 a year for its interim chief executive through a private company instead of the pay roll, LGC can reveal.

THE GUARDIAN : 1st March
Society Daily | Libraries
In the Huffington Post Dave Clements admits he is bored by protests about cuts and is none too keen on libraries either:  These rebranded community ‘hubs’ are teeming with activity that is hardly conducive to book-related endeavours at all. Between the parents with their gaggles of noisy kids, support groups and ‘stalls’ of all things, not to mention the so-called students getting on my bloody nerves chatting on their mobiles – God I sound old – libraries just aren’t libraries any more.

Huffington Post : 28th February
Shh! About Saving Libraries 
Librarians aren’t librarians any more either. They are glorified signposters and they look all the more miserable for it. That there are more volunteers in libraries than there are paid staff makes a sort of sense when their function has become so degraded.   ….  I for one find it hard to muster much support for defending libraries or librarians. I say this not because I am mean or a philistine but because having listened to the pleading of campaigners I no longer see the point in defending them. They aren’t what they were.

SallyPrentice.org : 25th February
Arts Council discussing with councils what libraries will be like in 2022
Sally Prentice is a senior Labour and Co-operative councillor in the London Borough of Lambeth

NextLibraries.org : 19th February
USA | Building community assets
The value of a library lies in its ability to develop community assets, says library educator Ken Haycock. And the future of libraries depends on our ability to share that vision with community leaders.

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Gov.uk : 27th February
DCMS | Supporting the library services provided by local authorities

BBC News : 1st March
Sefton Council approves budget cuts after protest
Proposals to close seven libraries and alter children and adult social care are also now due to be reviewed. A decision will be taken on these issues in three months’ time, the council said.

This Is Somerset : 1st March
Chew Stoke residents to choose agenda for Community Library (in pub)

Chew Stoke residents are invited to a Community Library Open Event, hosted by Bath & North East Somerset Council and partners, at The Stoke Inn Pub, on Wednesday 10April 2013, from 10am until 2pm. The event will give residents a chance to indicate their preferences about future projects and sessions taking place at the pub. The Stoke Inn project aims to develop the pub’s current book exchange into a Community Library.


Mancunian Matters : 1st March
Donation for Central Library re-vamp will make it ‘even better than originally anticipated’ – Manchester councillor
“The Wolfson Foundation are hoping other funders might join them in supporting high quality initiatives at public libraries at a time of acute funding pressure”

This Is Croydon : 1st March
Croydon libraries contract up for grabs after deal falls through 

London Evening Standard : 1st March
Ed Vaizey: the dedicated Minister of Fashion

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Croydon Conservatives : 27th February
Libraries outsourcing: the facts
It does not, as some blog sites have suggested, mean that they are walking away from the deal. We understand that they do wish to re-submit their bid, with this minor amendment. What it does mean, though, is that the unsuccessful bidders have the right to resubmit their bids too.

Crosby Herald : 28th February
Threatened libraries in Crosby and Litherland to be given hope of reprieve 
A gun to their heads?
He said: “We will be saying use Option B [to close seven libraries and save £400k], that’s what we are putting through, but if they come up with a plan that has legs then fine.”

On The Wight : 25th February
Full council to debate budget proposals this week
It has been suggested that IOW is likely to have an Independent Council after 3rd May.  Does the statement, below, mean reinstatement of the closed libraries?
“This year we have once again developed a full budget proposal that includes nearly £11m of savings and enables massive reinvestment in front line services and the restoration of many of the public facilities lost over the last four years”


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Inside Croydon : 26th February
Laings quit £30m Croydon libraries privatisation deal 

Croydon Libraries wordle










Croydon Guardian : 27th February
Libraries contract decision to be reconsidered
Councillor Timothy Godfrey was sent out of the meeting for arguing with mayor Eddy Aram, who refused to let councillors question Mr Pollard.  Mr Godfrey said: “This is a cover-up of the worst proportion. It is incompetence from the top to the bottom, including the mayor. It is absolutely disgraceful.”

Save Croydon Libraries Campaign : 26th February
Why so shy Councillor Pollard?

Inside Croydon : 27th February
Library deal collapse leaves £1m black hole in council budget

Save Croydon Libraries : 27th February
Transcript of Councillor Tim Pollard’s announcement
http://soslibrary.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/croydons-libraries-farce.html?spref=twCroydon Radio : Listen Again
approx 50 mins in.

findmylibrary.co.uk : 25th February
Physical books are not Betamax

telecompaper : 27th February
Dutch libraries not to lend e-books 

THE INDEPENDENT : 26th February
Arts and culture matter – yes, even in a recession

As residents of a regenerated Newcastle appreciate, culture is not a luxurious extra-curricular for the privileged, it’s a reflection of who we all are.

The bid also includes plans to close the majority of local libraries. In the UK literacy levels are reported to have ‘stalled’. How, then, can we justify the removal of such vital educational resources?

Local Guardian : 26th February
Merton | Every child to become library member under new council scheme
By working with schools and parents, it is hoped all primary school children will be signed up as library members by April 2014.

Hemsworth & South Elmsall Express : 27th February
Wakefield | Upton library to reopen at Easter
The new community-run library in Upton is due to open its doors at Easter after four months of delays.

Lancashire Evening Post : 27th February
Six Preston libraries in boost 
Across the county 18 of the council’s 74 branches will stay open for longer. 17 will see changes in opening times to make them more convenient. There will be an overall increase in opening hours of more than 70 hours. 74 of Lancashire’s libraries increased their opening hours in the first phase in October last year, gaining more than 110 hours each week.

Get Bracknell : 27th February
Education | Schoolchildren help smash world record on National Libraries day
Barbara Band, head of library and resources at The Emmbrook School, said: “There were about 120 schools signed up from across Scotland, England and Wales. “The children were given the start of a story written by author Matt Haig and they had to write one or two sentences. I have received 1,300 stories but they are still not all in.”

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

THE GUARDIAN : 25th February
Frances O’Grady: a new vision for in-sourced and effective public services

Not only is there a strong moral and social case for the delivery of services through a democratically accountable public sector based on universal access and public good, but there is a very strong value-for-money case for in-sourcing services, which resonates in straitened financial times.



Liverpool Echo : 26th February
Campaigners launch final bid to save Sefton’s libraries from closure
The submission was presented to council leader Peter Dowd last Thursday at Bootle town hall.

Get Wokingham : 26th February
Libraries and road maintenances budgets slashed in council cuts
More than £230,000 will be cut from spending on libraries over the next three years, but executive member for internal services Councillor Pauline Jorgensen doesn’t expect customers will notice any change to the service.  She said: “There are a few process improvements we are taking in terms of centralising the storage of books and generally a lot of tweaking around the edges to provide more efficiencies.”

Society of Chief Librarians : 25th February

Janene Cox Creative…and Busy

Public Libraries News : 25th February
Little acorns of hope from the austerity oak tree … and calls to cut costs

Bridport News : 26th February
Charmouth Library to re-open thanks to volunteers
Hazel Robinson, chairman of the Friends of Charmouth Library, said: “When we waved our protest placards a year ago in an attempt to force Dorset County Council to recognise how we value our library, we could not have envisaged what huge efforts we would have to make to keep it.  That’s all in the past and, though we vehemently believe that there was no need to close libraries as there were other means of making sufficient savings, we have had to do what we have had to do.  DCC will still provide the books, the computers and a little professional help and Charmouth has to do the rest.”

About My Area : 26th February
New Sunday Opening Hours For Libraries Across Milton Keynes

Shetland Times : 26th February
Public library facing cuts to opening hours and books budget

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Sky News : 24th February
Sshh! Sleepover At Newcastle City Library In Campaign Over Cuts And Closures
report and video

Good Library Blog : 24th February
Wasting money in the public library service

James Hargrave’s Blog : 23rd February
Is a decline in library lending really a “shock”? 

Daily Echo : 24th February
Hampshire New chapter in life of library

poll results suffolk
Library Poll – Suffolk


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

You Tube : 22nd February
Latvia | Libraries for Communities
Would that UK libraries were invested in and publicised so engagingly and efficiently!

Batley & Birstall News : 23rd February
Kirklees | Library protest backed by 7,000 
History Group chairman Malcolm Haigh said there had been overwhelming anger and disgust all round the town about the rumoured library changes.  He said: “I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed such outright opposition – people in Batley are totally disgusted at what has been suggested.”

BBC News : 23rd February
Campaigners march against council cuts in Manchester
Five libraries will be replaced with “outreach libraries or community book collections”, while Levenshulme Library will be moved into the another building.

BBC News : 23rd February
Brighton and Hove’s mobile library to be scrapped

Inside Croydon : 22nd February
Tax hikes, more borrowing and party splits
The property-hungry arrangement appears to have driven the council into the most expensive bid for running the borough’s public libraries, as the property needs of the URV’s partner, John Laing, became more important than the financial considerations of running libraries.

Epsom Guardian : 22nd February
Surrey Volunteer-run Stoneleigh library re-opens with professional staff members
The owner is yet to sign an agreement that it can be run by volunteers – forcing professional staff to remain on site.

Evesham Journal : 21st February
Worcestershire | Library could be run by volunteers to save money
“Whatever the outcome, the county council will continue to operate a comprehensive library service for the residents of Broadway.” http://www.eveshamjournal.co.uk/news/10242358.Library_could_be_run_by_volunteers_to_save_money/


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

EADT : 22nd February
Poll: More than a million less books borrowed from Suffolk libraries in a year

24Dash.com : 22nd February
Haringey | Save our mobile library service!
The Haringey Lib Dems have submitted an amendment to the Labour budget that will protect the mobile library service. Local library action groups have rallied against the plans and launched a letter writing campaign to try and stop the mobile library service being cut.

Thorne Gazette : 22nd February
New chapter opens for Doncaster Central Library 

Wales Online : 22nd February
Cardiff | Libraries face having opening times slashed under budget cuts


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Southport Visitor : 21st February
Sefton GP claims closing library would be physical and psychological disaster for Birkdale 
She said: “It is my professional opinion as a General Practitioner, that the closure of Birkdale library will have a far reaching detrimental impact on the most vulnerable members of our community which include the elderly and those with disabilities.”

St Helens Star : 21st February
Library hours could be reduced as St Helens faces up to £50m budget cut

Kidderminster Shuttle : 21st February
Library | Kemp event signals sad end to top-floor gallery

Times Series : 21st February
Barnet’s libraries to receive £250,000 technology update
More than £250,000 will be spent on installing self service kiosks and Wi-Fi in Barnet’s libraries.

BBC News : 21st February
Library of Birmingham gets Wolfson Foundation donation

Manchester Evening News : 21st February
Manchester Central library receives £500k funding boost towards renovation 



A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.
THE GUARDIAN : 20th February
Not everyone is on the internet, Iain Duncan Smith
It would help, of course, if the infrastructure was in place to provide support. For many, public libraries with free internet access have been that place. However, with more than 200 public libraries closing last year and skilled staff being replaced by untrained volunteers, even this freely available support has been gradually dismantled.

Library Campaign : 20th FebruaryMathWarehouse-pie(1)

Swindon’s Libraries postcode lottery

Tewkesbury AdMag : 20th February
Gloucestershire | Cotswold Lib Dems condemm cost of library challenge
Councillor Jeremy Hilton, Liberal Democrat group leader, said: “During a time of great austerity, the costs that have been incurred through this legal challenge was needless, wasteful and nothing short of reckless.  If the job of reviewing the county’s libraries had been done properly from the start and not on the back-of-a-fag-packet then this money could have been better spent on new books for our existing libraries.”

Place North West : 20th February
Manchester | Charity donates to Central Library revamp

The News : 20th February
Portsmouth | Library is still going strong after 50 years 
‘That’s a lot to do with our partnership working with children’s centres but also with schools.’

Shelf Free : 19th February
Did you know that 85% of e-books aren’t available to public libraries?

Library Journal : 20th February
Author Says UK Libraries Should Close Because He Says So
good article

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