A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Public Libraries News : 9th March
“I don’t think so” – Ed Vaizey on UK public libraries
An analysis of the points made by Ed Vaizey in his speech to the Local Government Association Conference on 7th March, with added links and PLN comment.

Question Everyting : 9th March
Epistemological? What are you talking about?  
In 2025 the library service is likely consist of lots of badly managed, glass monstrosities, with PFI liabilities soaking up whatever’s left in the library budget. In the areas outside the city centres, in the rough suburbs of Swindon, Sunderland, Liverpool and beyond, in the remote rural villages, in the shires and the Home Counties thousands of communities will have had their beating hearts ripped out, never to recover, never to be replaced.

Good Library Guide : 10th March
Cuts – what cuts?

Luton Today : 10th March
Do people in Luton love libraries? 
Luton Borough Council is currently consulting on cuts to the library service in Luton, asking for views on two proposals, both of which would see the Sundon Park library close.
“Leagrave Library is also being considered for closure …”

Libraries News Round-up: 3 May 2016

THE GUARDIAN : 3rd May Library use falling sharply, study shows http://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/may/03/library-use-falling-sharply-study-shows London Evening Standard : 3rd May Stephen Fry defends ‘life-saving’ libraries as closures and mergers gather pace http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/stephen-fry-defends-lifesaving-libraries-as-closures-and-mergers-gather-pace-a3238516.html Socialist Worker…