It’s not all that often that library users get asked what they think about anything, so TLC is happy to pass on this message from Stratchclyde University…

Downloading the new normal – public library focus groups:

We are conducting a series of focus groups to explore how the CoVID lockdown has affected public library usage and the consequences of the forced library closures on the lives of public library users in the UK.

This will help provide evidence to support the development of library services in the UK.

For this initial set of focus groups, we seek the involvement of adults, over the age of 18, who are regular users of a UK public library, who used digital library services during lockdown, and who can take part in a focus group using Zoom. Later focus groups will be face-face and seek the involvement of those who could not use digital library services and do not have access to Zoom. The focus groups will take place at the end of June and start of July 2021, will last no more than 90 minutes, and all participants will receive a £25 voucher for their participation.

If you would like to volunteer, please follow this link for further information and to sign up. This link will be valid until 28th June 2021.

Sign-up: Downloading the New Normal Focus Groups

For any questions about this study please contact Dr Elaine Robinson.