What has your library or local authority got planned to mark National Libraries Day 2013?

Please tell us by adding a comment to this post, tweeting us details that we can re-tweet @LibraryCampaign or adding details to our Facebook page. Please don’t forget that many local authorities, schools and organisations are joining in the lead up to the big day with a week of events.

You can send photos and reports to thelibrarycampaign@gmail.com

Don’t forget to use the hashtag #NLD13 on Twitter.

If you are happy to write a post about what libraries mean to you we’d be happy to promote that too.

National Libraries Day is a positive way to promote libraries and all that they do.  Sadly, The Library Campaign is aware that some local authorities are not happy to promote it, for fear of drawing attention to the campaign groups fighting for local library services being closed, reduced or hollowed out.  Notably Kent and Croydon were caught out by The Bookseller last year for not having anything in place and this looks like it will be repeated this year. Newcastle campaigners are already using the day to actively publicising their protest against cuts.

Help us join to celebrate what libraries do.
The clearest message library users, and those who love and value libraries, can give is by marking National Libraries Day – this year on 9th February – by visiting and supporting a library local to you, irrespective of whether your local authority is marking the day or not!

We are keen to keep a note by local authority so please let us know, in confidence by emailing us, or in a reply to this posy, which we will share publicly.

The Library Campaign keeps a view of national issues with regard to libraries.  Might National Libraries Day 2013 be the time that you action your support for libraries by adding your voice to our campaign? The Library Campaign is an organisation and charity that needs members to support our work. Have you added your voice by joining us? We’d love to welcome you.

Collectively we CAN make a difference!