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Please book a 
FREE place to attend The Library Campaign’s AGM and the open discussion that follows to explore the issues surrounding libraries and to help the future direction and priorities of The Library Campaign. Book here.

Everyone is welcome.

You need not be a member of The Library Campaign to attend, although only members can vote at the AGM. And we always welcome new members to support our work!



1pm – tea, coffee, biscuits and networking

2 – 4.30pm speakers, AGM and discussions. 

This is a chance for members and non-members alike to gain an insight to The Library Campaign’s work – and its potential to do more…


1. Welcome and apologies for absence
2. Approval of minutes of the 2014 AGM  
3. Annual report for the year ending 31st March 2015
4. Annual accounts for the year ending 31st March 2015
5. Election of Committee

Joining the committee
The current Trustees stand down at the AGM. Our Chair, Laura Swaffield, is happy to stand for re-election, as is Elizabeth Ash, Geoffrey Dron, and Bob Goodrick.  Martin Wright, our current Treasurer, has served the Library Campaign well for many years, but would like to hand over this role, although would offer support to anyone interested in taking on the role.

We need more hands on deck to drive the work of the charity. We are particularly keen to encourage anyone interested in standing as Treasurer, as Secretary or as a general member to offer themselves up for election, although any member can stand for any post. Anyone elected as a committee member also becomes a Trustee of the charity.

We are happy to discuss this further if anyone would like to find out more before putting themselves forward.

For queries, to stand for election or to find out more, please call Elizabeth Ash on 020 8651 9552 / 07792 810 959 or email 

The Library Campaign needs YOU!

YOUR ideas…

YOUR input…

YOUR help!

We do hope you will join us for the day….and for those not currently members, we hope that you will join The Library Campaign!