Libraries News Round-up: 8 June 2016

PRIVATE EYE  Issue No. 1420 : Library News (p.35) Crown Street Library, Darlington In newsagents now Croydon Citizen : 8th June What do Croydon’s children think about libraries? Sheffield…

Library News Round-up: 1 April 2015

PRIVATE EYE Library News (p.27) - Barnetavailable in newsagents today Pedronicus : 1st AprilThe "future of libraries" and the black hole of "Library Leadership" News : 1st AprilMerthyr Tydfil leisure services handed to trust…

Library News Round-up: 4th December 2014

THE BOOKSELLER : 4th DecemberGoodman out, Bryant in as shadow culture minister News : 3rd DecemberLabour Reshuffle ...Shadow arts minister Helen Goodman takes on the shadow welfare reform brief. Libraries News :…

Library News Round-up: 11th October 2014

Hereford Times : 10th OctoberLetter | Herefordshire | Presiding over library shambles from Online : 10th OctoberSouth Somerset | Council to consider future of libraries with ‘no plans to close any buildings’ News : 10th OctoberLetter | Lincolnshire…

Libraries News Round-up: 19th August 2014

THE GUARDIAN : 19th AugustReaders absorb less on Kindles than on paper, study finds F Howes : 19th AugustW.F. Howes launches eBook service for libraries UK’s leading publisher of unabridged audiobooks,…

Libraries News Round-up: 19th July 2014

Save Lincs Libraries : 18th JulyPress Release : Public Interest Lawyers Gazette : 19th JulyWorcestershire | Library changes could have been far worse, says council leaderCouncillor Adrian Hardman says the only reason…

Libraries News Round-up: 7th July 2014

THE BOOKSELLER : 7th July 'Thunderclap' for Lincolnshire Libraries Save Lincolnshire Libraries : 7th July Rallying Cry | And so begins Lincolnshire’s High Court Fight for Libraries  Lincolnshire Echo :…

Libraries News Round-up: 26th June 2014

THE BOOKSELLER : 26th June Pubs could deliver more future library services LGA Magazine by William Sieghart - 'Future Libraries' Don't Privatise Libraries : 26th June Dawn of…

Libraries News Round-up: 10th June 2014

Public Libraries News : 9th June Editorial | Shadow minister Helen Goodman MP shows an interest Question Everything : 10th June Power to the People How are you supposed to represent…

Libraries News Round-up: 18th April 2014

Public Libraries News : 17th April Editorial | Caught at least three ways: e-lending and librarians’ dilemma Alan Wylie's submission to the Sieghart Advisory Panel on Public Libraries Torquay Herald…

Libraries News Round-up: 12th March 2014

DAILY TELEGRAPH : 12th March Malorie Blackman: Why are libraries mandatory in prisons but not schools? Skegness Standard : 11th March Wainfleet Library and museum cut fears However, from May…

Libraries News Round-up: 28th February 2014

Public Libraries News : 27th February Editorial | Campaigners should not have to pay to protect libraries THE GUARDIAN : 28th February Privatisation helps west London libraries turn over new leaf…

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