Libraries News Round-up: 17 February 2018

Stop the Privatisation of Public Libraries: 17 February Outsourcing Fundamentalism, Hasn't Herts heard of Carillion? and SCL/Taskforce backed vol-led 'libraries' conference comes to Sheffield. Burnham-On-Sea: 17 February Somerset |…

Libraries News Round-up: 1 February 2018

The Bookseller: 1 February Harrow and Ealing libraries back in-house after Carillion collapse 1 February Somerset | Highbridge Library closure proposals: row erupts over usage figures Bristol…

Libraries News Round-up: 31 January 2018

Get West London: 31 January Carillion collapse: Ealing library services to be brought back under council control after petition objecting to outsourcing gains thousands of signatures Lancashire Telegraph: 31…

Libraries News Round-up: 30 January 2018

Harrow Times: 30 January Harrow libraries brought in-house following Carillion liquidation Scottish Daily Record: 30 January Final decision on potential library opening time cuts looms in West Dunbartonshire…

Libraries News Round-up: 26 January 2018 26 January Cheshire East | Hundreds back sisters' campaign to save our library Brixton Buzz: 26 January Lambeth Council confirms job specs for GLL book-ish gym staff as…

Libraries News Round-up: 24 January 2018

Bromley Times: 24 January Bromley Council may face strike action over outsourcing policy Private Eye: Issue No. 1462 Library News: Carillion | Croydon, Ealing, Harrow Available in newsagents Thornton…

Libraries News Round-up: 22 January 2018

The Guardian: 22 January Somerset says only volunteers can keep libraries open Somerset Live: 22 January Up to 15 libraries in Somerset could close without community support, says county…

Libraries News Round-up: 21 January 2018

ITV News: 21 January Fifteen Somerset libraries could be closed Stop the privatisation of Public Libraries: 21 January Carillion and LS&S; the dangers of privatisation Stoke Sentinel: 21…

Libraries News Round-up: 17 January 2018

The Guardian: 17 January London libraries assess impact of Carillion collapse Public Finance: 17 January Public sector looks for ways to plug gap left by Carillion The Bookseller:…

Libraries News Round-up: 16 January 2018

The Bookseller: 16 January Michael Ellis confirmed as new libraries minister Warrington Guardian: 16 January Council chief executive to join national Libraries Taskforce The Bookseller: 16 January Croydon…

Libraries News Round-up: 15 January 2018

The Bookseller: 15 January Library closures are a 'disgrace', says Daunt Croydon Guardian: 15 January Council guarantees jobs of library staff after Carillion collapse Croydon Advertiser: 15 January…

Libraries News Round-up: 3 November 2017

Eastbourne Herald: 3 November East Sussex | STEPHEN LLOYD MP: Keep the pressure up over libraries cuts Eastbourne Herald: 3 November East Sussex | To lose library would be…

Libraries News Round-up: 14 September 2017

TV News: 14 September Death knell for five of Plymouth's libraries Lancashire Post: 14 September Bill to reopen axed Lancashire libraries nears £1m 2BR: 14 September Trying to save more…

Libraries News Round-up: 13 October 2016

Bromsgrove Advertiser : 12 October Frankley Library avoids axe but faces cuts to opening hours under Birmingham City Council consultation   East London & West Sussex Guardian : 12 October…

Library News Round-up: 31 July 2015

THE GUARDIAN : 31st JulyWhy Birmingham library needs Google and language classes to keep doors open by Penny Holbrook, cabinet member for skills, learning and culture Local Guardian : 31st JulyMore redundancies…

Libraries News Round-up: 28th February 2014

Public Libraries News : 27th February Editorial | Campaigners should not have to pay to protect libraries THE GUARDIAN : 28th February Privatisation helps west London libraries turn over new leaf…

Libraries News Round-up: 30th January 2014

Inside Croydon : 30th January Carillion cuts jobs just weeks after taking over libraries  Lincolnshire Echo : 30th January Lincolnshire Libraries - last chance to save them tomorrow…

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