DCMS | Sieghart Review – Open consultation Public libraries: what do you think?
Call for evidence –  submit before 5pm on Friday 21 March 2014

The above refers to this >
DCMS | Press Release : 8th February
William Sieghart to chair panel to produce independent report on England’s public library service

Public Libraries News : 8th February
Editorial | Government announces dramatically wide-ranging Libraries report

Library Campaign : 8th February
Oh No! Another Time-wasting Inquiry
JUST DO IT!  The Library Campaign urges all who care about libraries to contact the inquiry. And to tell the minister we are sick of his inaction.

Don’t Privatise Libraries : 9th February
Not another bloody report!

Lincolnshire Echo :  9th February
Dozens of Lincolnshire libraries may  be saved by groups following council’s cuts

Don’t Privatise Libraries : 9th February
Catching up on Carillion!
Will these cuts bring (the service) to its knees?

DAILY MIRROR : 9th February
Struggling pubs forced to turn into CINEMAS and LIBRARIES in desperate bid to stay open
In one trail blazing scheme backed by Prince Charles’ not-for-profit organisation Pub is the Hub, library services have teamed up with rural pubs in Cornwall and Devon.

Book shelves