A small London-based charity called the Sheila Mckechnie Foundation (SMK) run Campaign Workshops in various locations. There is a small fee payable for individuals and small campaign groups.

One of these will be run in Birmingham on Friday 26th June, 2015 and spaces are still available.  This workshop is a full day training, including lunch. 

Campaign Workshop

The charity explains,

These workshops are geared towards beginner campaigners.  The workshop provides the opportunity to find out how to develop a campaign strategy and identify the key skills needed to run an effective campaign. They are suitable for those interested in influencing the policy decisions that affect their community or the people their organisation supports.

These workshops are geared towards beginner campaigners.  The workshop provides the opportunity to find out how to develop a campaign strategy and identify the key skills needed to run an effective campaign. They are suitable for those interested in influencing the policy decisions that affect their community or the people their organisation supports.

The workshop aims to equip participants to be more effective campaigners, including

  • Insight into the successful features of a campaign.
  • Knowledge about the key steps in planning a campaign.
  • Insights into how to influence political processes and decision-makers, as well as how to use the media to gain support for your campaign 
  • A chance to meet other campaigners, developing their professional network and receiving peer support.

Find full details here.

Download a registration form here, which needs to be completed and returned, via email to Christina at SMK on christina.arokium@smk.org.uk

Please also direct all enquiries about the day to Christina on the email address above.

Is cost a barrier to attending?

This workshop is not run or endorsed by The Library Campaign but if you are involved in campaigning for libraries and need help with travel costs or fee in order to attend, please get in touch prior to booking as we many be able to help.

To contact us please email us on thelibrarycampaign@gmail.com

Libraries News Round-up: 12th July 2013

THE INDEPENDENT : 12th July Campaigners warn of libraries in crisis across England http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/campaigners-warn-of-libraries-in-crisis-across-england-8706460.html THE GUARDIAN : 12th July Library campaigners predict 1,000 closures by 2016 http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2013/jul/12/library-campaigners-1000-closures-2016 Public Libraries News…