A group of school librarians are planning to lobby parliament for school libraries to be made statutory.  This protest is planned for 29th October, 2012, which is during school half term.  You can finds more information here.

This is not a demonstration but a lobby, so please contact your MP in order to lobby them on the day, or you can along on the day and show your solidarity.

A similar event was held on 13th March 2012 by  Speak Up for Libraries, of which The Library Campaign is a part, in support of public libraries, and was very successful.

The thought behind the School Libraries Lobby is that if school libraries were on the Ofsted Inspection Schedule then that would force schools to keep libraries open and to think seriously about their provision.

The post on Heart of The School website gives all the details and asks that people please  join them on the day.  There is also a sample letter to write to your MP. 

Follow the Facebook page or Twitter @lobby4schlib to keep in touch.

Please publicise this as much as you can – the organisers would love it if lots of people can attend!  This lobby is supported by both CILIP and the SLA.

There is a Facebook group set up specifically for the lobby too. This includes a useful bank of files with template letters, evidence and tips for lobbying.