A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter

Please note: BBC Breakfast – tomorrow – Alan Gibbons and John Dolan to discuss National Libraries Day at 8.40 a.m.
and  – Alan Gibbons is likely to be on Sky TV at 9.35 a.m.

Plus! Biddy Fisher is expected to be on BBC Radio Leeds to discuss National Libraries Day from 8.30am 

DCMS Response to FOI Request from Trevor Craig – re. Advisory Council on Libraries (ACL)
scroll down to view DCMS Response : 8th February (The documents supplied are most interesting) 

Question Everything Blog : 8th February
The Law of Inverse Relevance 
There are according to the FOI still two current members of the body who I intend to contact but a body in this sense cannot consist of two people. Their terms end on the 11/Feb/2013 and 02/Aug/2013. I intend to contact both of these individuals and ask them why they are not advising the minister.

DAILY TELEGRAPH : 8th February
Gaby Roslin: Why parents need Britain’s local libraries to be saved

THE BOOKSELLER : 8th February
The Reading Agency celebrates National Libraries Day

THE GUARDIAN : 8th February
Fiction prescription: why libraries make you happy
The recent announcement that GPs may send patients with depression away with the suggestion that they read a “mood-enhancing” book will have entranced some but left others bristling. Is the NHS really so broken that they are sending people off to libraries? Or are the libraries so broken that the government is attempting to inject some energy from the already beleaguered service provided by our hard-working GPs?

DAILY TELEGRAPH : 8th February
Is it the end of the book as libraries close and e-books take over?
Britain is reading fewer books as a result of library closures and the growth of e-books, new figures show.

THE BOOKSELLER : 8th February
Editorial | Lending, right? 
Libraries deliver at the micro-level despite the challenges they face from above, and it is vital we recognise this. Worrying about libraries is not the same as running them down. The government said last week that the library service was “not in crisis”. The rest of us need not be so myopic.

FINANCIAL TIMES : 8th February
Private libraries have good story to sell
As local authorities slash services to cope with spending cuts, public libraries are vulnerable: 212 closed last year, and half of all local authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are looking at alternative ways to run their libraries, according to the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals.    …….  ……. ……..
“A lot of public libraries have made books less visible and filled the room with computers,” says Paul Gailiunas, the Lit and Phil’s chairman. “In many ways the public sector have painted themselves into a corner.”

THE INDEPENDENT : 8th February
Boyd Tonkin: Squatting public property helped to save my first library. Don’t make it a crime 

DAILY TELEGRAPH : 8th February
Library lending figures: Three cheers for children’s books – but where is JK Rowling?
It is encouraging to know that libraries and books still occupy a powerful place in children’s lives.

THE GUARDIAN : 8th February
Library readers still in love with Danielle Steel after 30 years

THE INDEPENDENT : 8th February
The tale of the unexpected decline of Roald Dahl 
Half of the top 10 have gained in popularity thanks to a movie adaptation – and all the associated merchandise. “The most popular books are being suggested to kids by adults, not by teachers and librarians but by marketing executives in film studios and publishing houses, throwing huge amounts of money behind these titles,” said Dr Lisa Sainsbury, director of the National Centre for Research in Children’s Literature.

THE BOOKSELLER : 8th February
Children boost PLR library stats

Huffington Post : 8th February
British Libraries Are Fighting Back! And It’s Children Who Are Leading the Charge 
Long may libraries continue, long may the PLR scheme continue and long may its administration stay with Dr Jim Parker and his small, efficient team in Stockton.

Don’t Privatise Libraries : 8th February
A Public Libraries Manifesto for National Libraries Day 2013 

York Press : 8th February
Borrowing spree protest urged at York’s libraries

CILIP in Wales : 6th February
Welsh Minister announces extra £150,000 for tackling child poverty through cultural institutions
again re-iterating that all powers will be used, and measures taken in order to ensure “comprehensive public library services” as required by the Museums and Public Libraries Act 1964.

Barnet & Whetstone Press : 7th February
Squatters leave as residents take over community library


And. don’t forget….

Saturday, 9th February is National Libraries Day, 2013! Do let us know what you are doing to celebrate.

We’d love to share your stories and photos.



Library News Round-up: 29 July 2015

THE BOOKSELLER : 29th JulyLibrarians dispute children's attendance 'fall'http://www.thebookseller.com/news/librarians-dispute-childrens-attendance-fall-308324Lincolnshire Echo : 29th JulyCouncil leader Martin Hill launches scathing attack on Save Lincolnshire Libraries campaignershttp://www.lincolnshireecho.co.uk/Council-leader-Martin-Hill-launches-scathing/story-27506790-detail/story.htmlHucknall Dispatch : 29th JulySave our libraries…