THE BOOKSELLER : 31st October
Culture secretary ‘not minded to intervene in Sheffield’

LGA : 31st October
Minister unlikely to intervene on Sheffield’s library changes
Sheffield Council’s plan to allow volunteers to run its 15 branch libraries have been branded ‘thorough and well considered’ by the Government.

Sheffield City Council : 30th October
Library Review – Update
The Secretary of State has confirmed that he is not currently minded to order an inquiry into library provision in Sheffield. 
A copy of the DCMS letter is available to download.

11KBW : 30th October
11KBW is a leading set of barristers who specialise in Commercial, Education, Employment, EU, Human Rights, Information, Public and Sports Law. 

BBC News : 30th October
Four Hertfordshire libraries to move to fire stations

Bristol Post : 30th October
We don’t need to cut library service, say Bristol Tories

Sutton Coldfield Local : 31st October
Emotions run high at Sutton Four Oaks Ward meeting
If options one or two fail to materialise and the District is unable to secure Community Asset Transfers then the inevitable closure of the two libraries would result.

Penarth Times : 31st October
Councillors clash over library cuts
Councillors warned that staffing community libraries with volunteers without specialist knowledge, cutting opening hours and the book fund would damage the library service.

girl in library

Libraries News Round up: 7th October 2014

THE INDEPENDENT : 7th OctoberHave we fallen out of love with e-readers? Teesdale Mercury : 7th OctoberDurham | Less choice on offer at 'invisible' Barnard Castle libraryhalf the books gone + other shocking…