Blantern promises library data improvement
article has attracted interesting comments

BBC News : 30th July
One in five elderly has ‘no-one to turn to’, warns charity
Campaign to End Loneliness director Lauren Alcock-Ferguson said the survey findings were disheartening.   “… We need local authorities to address the many triggers of loneliness by maintaining and providing essential services that older people rely on to stay connected.”

Croydon Advertiser : 29th July
Union concerned about ‘unclear’ plans to restructure Croydon library staff

Huddersfield Examiner : 30th July
Councillors debate threat to libraries in Kirklees

Northern Echo : 30th July
Stockton | Official opening for £2.7m library in Billingham

Ham & High : 30th July
Camden West Hampstead Library ‘could move to controversial housing development’

Photo taken in Croydon Central Library this week - Staff were working flat out to deal with the returns and queries desk.  No staff available to be on hand in the children's library during a very bust period, and it shows...
Photo taken in Croydon Central Library this week – Staff were working flat out to deal with the returns and queries desk. No staff available to be on hand in the children’s library during a very busy period, and it shows…

Libraries News Round-up: 13 July 2016

THE GUARDIAN : 13th July NHS partners up with (volunteer-run) libraries to boost wellbeing Get West London : 13th July Ealing Central Library gets Primark move as council approves…