A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

THE GUARDIAN : 18th January
Privatised public services pose ‘significant new risk’ to public ethics

Public Libraries News : 20th January
A library is about more than books but a library without books is not a library

Henley Standard : 21st January
Official appointed to work with libraries
The co-ordinator will be paid £34,549 for “developing a working relationship” with communities and library friends groups in order to find volunteers to fill the shortfall in staff hours.

Get Surrey : 21st January
Community plans for Bramley library dragging on
Bramley Library was one of 10 libraries in the county to have paid staff removed as Surrey County Council cut costs in 2010. The parish council battled the Community Partnered Library (CPL) decision, but has since supported the community takeover due in April, only to wait months to hear back from the county council.

Express & Star : 21st January
Number of borrowers at Wolverhampton libraries dwindling

Postcode Gazette : 21st January
Sheffield | Campaign launched to ‘save Broomhill Library’ 
Broomhill Library, on Taptonville Road, was in the top three of the city’s most used in terms of books issued, with 121,341 books borrowed last year, just behind Ecclesall and ahead of Crystal Peaks.

Brixton Blog : 21st January
Call for Labour Lambeth councillor to resign over libraries email

Residents, library users and opposition councillors have reacted angrily to an email from a senior Lambeth council member which appears to snub community groups not run by members of the Labour Party.


A considerable number of comments have also been added to our post on Midlothian Libraries plans for their ‘Love Your Libraries’ National Libraries Day celebration. Take a look.  There are worse things in libraries than pole-dancing!

pole-dancing reader


Libraries News Round-up: 21 February 2018

BBC News: 21 February Cuts to Welsh libraries see paid staff fall by 20% http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-43130957 BBC News: 21 February Libraries without staff are 'just a room full of books' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-wales-43132731/libraries-without-staff-are-just-a-room-full-of-books…