BBC News : 20th October
Walsall Council warns of job cuts and library closures

I J Clark | Extremism, nudge theory and access to information
Whether such professional opposition would be successful is a different matter. It would not, however, go without being vehemently challenged. What would happen if professional librarians were stripped away and an alternative model for delivering library services was pursued. We may not have to wait long to discover the answer…

Stoke Sentinel : 21st October
Staffordshire library volunteers need support from staff, Stafford MP Jeremy Lefroy claims

Times Series : 21st October
Options laid out for future of Barnet’s libraries
Full details of 3 ‘options’ including
Six libraries could face closure under proposals to modernise the library network and make savings.

Sleaford Standard : 21st October
Lincolnshire Deadline approaching for consultation on libraries
“One suggestion was to get rid of library buildings altogether and just provide a mobile service in all areas.  We’ve also had a number people saying we should charge for books. However, that’s something we’re not allowed to do under law.”

Upper Norwood Library Trust : 20th October
Upper Norwood Library to get  £47,500 extra from Croydon Council – Election pledge honoured 
The money will cover the last six months of the current financial year to March 31st 2015.

View from Online : 21st October
AxminsterCouncillors clash over library jibe

Wales Online : 21st October
Vale of Glamorgan library cuts plan sparks Rhoose community campaign

pile of books

Libraries News Round-up: 7 March

The Guardian : 7 March Councils are facing bankruptcy – is this the end of public service? Huddersfield Examiner : 7 March Kirklees: Developer offers new library for Mirfield - if he can turn…