A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter. There were no notable news items yesterday.

Cultural Value Initiative : 8th February
Community Libraries – looking to the past to inform the present by David McMenemy
These were all reasons why the public library service was failing the public, yet 71 years later for political purposes we are proposing to go back to the kind of structure which McColvin fought so hard to eradicate.

Islington Tribune : 15th March
Library ‘secret’ sparks stand-up row in the street between by-election rivals

Save Croydon Libraries : 14th March
Shh! Croydon Labour calls meeting over Libraries 

Information Daily : 15th March
Public libraries must adapt to survive, says Capita 


They Work For You : 14th March
Public Libraries: Closures | Written Answers:  Culture Media and Sport


Croydon libraries ship

Libraries News Round-up: 26 October 2017

The Guardian: 26 October No one needs libraries any more? What rubbish https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/oct/26/no-one-use-libraries-any-more-rubbish-sanctuaries--enrich-communities Darlington & Stockton Times: 26 October Court date set in battle to save Darlington's historic Crown Street library…