Spiked Online : 15th December
The future of libraries – no books, no knowledge
But rather than responding to this challenge by remaking the case for public libraries, even in economically uncertain times, this (Carnegie UK) report throws in the towel.  

South Wales Guardian : 15th December
Lending on the rise as Welsh libraries buck UK trend

Northern Echo : 14th December
Battle lines are drawn up in library fight
An avalanche of objections have been submitted by residents in North Yorkshire battling to save their libraries … 

Times Series : 15th December
The Mill Hill Library Campaign Group gather to oppose library cuts in Barnet 

Telegraph & Argus : 14th December
Kirklees | Thousands back petition to save Cleckheaton library

Book Word : 12th December
Library cuts are pay cuts. Really!

Wembley Matters : 15th December
Disputing the facts in the Kensal Rise Library case


Libraries News Round-up: 29 April 2016

THE BOOKSELLER : 29th April Library usage falls 14.3 percentage points since 2005 \ http://www.thebookseller.com/news/library-usage-has-fallen-143-2005-328058 Lancaster Guardian : 29th April ‘Ridiculous’ to axe library after £300,000 refurb Bolton-le-Sands http://www.lancasterguardian.co.uk/news/local/ridiculous-to-axe-library-after-refurb-1-7881510 London Evening…