A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Harrow Observer : 9th May
Library outsourcing decision delayed due to Labour split
A decision whether to outsource the running of Harrow’s libraries to a  not-for-profit trust has been delayed due to the collapse of the cabinet committee.   ……..  the cabinet committee meeting was cancelled after the announcement  yesterday that nine Labour councillors, including the leader of the  council, Councillor Thaya Idaikkadar, were splitting to form their own  Independent Labour group. Consequently, the other portfolio holders  comprising the cabinet , all now rival Labour group members, were dismissed.

BBC News : 9th May
Council services face further cuts, warn local leaders
LGA says libraries are “non-statutory”
This, it argues, would mean reducing spending on a “broad combination of non-statutory services which might include children’s centres, museums, libraries and sports centres  ……
“almost all of councils’ money would have to be spent  on explicit statutory responsibilities like social services, waste  collection and concessionary travel, meaning that the money available  for all other services, such as libraries, road maintenance and leisure  facilities would have been cut by 90%”.

Manchester library closures to go ahead

Public Libraries News: 8th May
Bad news in Herefordshire, good news elsewhere.  Questions in Manchester and Isle of Wight

BBC News : 8th May
Dorchester’s Charles Street development library to open
A new library and adult learning centre will open in two months as part of a £60m regeneration project in Dorset.

Oxford Times : 8th May
Angst over listed status led to four-year delay over Headington library access

Bolton News: 7th May
Saved Golborne Library ‘thriving’

Hotel libraries: Shelf life
At a time when many councils in Britain are cutting their library  budgets, it is heartening to learn of hotels still investing in books,  and using them as a way to attract and entertain their guests.

Shelf life

Libraries News Round-up: 25 January 2016

Libraries Taskforce : 25th January Toolkit number 2: community libraries https://librariestaskforce.blog.gov.uk/2016/01/25/toolkit-number-2-community-libraries/#comment-189 Save Lincolnshire Libraries : 25th January Maurice writes to the Secretary of State AGAIN http://savelincslibraries.org.uk/2016/01/25/maurice-writes-to-the-secretary-of-state-again/ Get Reading : 25th…