THE GUARDIAN : 9th December
Big society policy not suited for deprived communities, says thinktank

The Lincolnite : 9th December
Stephen Palmer | Lincolnshire libraries decision: Foul or fair?

Grimsby Telegraph : 9th December
Local libraries: Your chance to help shape their future in North East Lincolnshire
“The library service has been making efficiency savings for a number of years through reducing opening hours, reducing the expenditure on book stock and stopping the mobile library service. But this is not enough – we need to do more …” :
Councillor Mick Burnett, portfolio holder for tourism, leisure and culture

Inside Moray : 9th December
Libraries campaigners look to a secure future
“I would hope that every assistance is provided by Moray Council to people living in these communities who have now indicated a wish to retain some of the services lost through these closures.”

Library 2.0 : 7th December
Video Lee Rainie: Libraries and Communities
Lee Rainie is Director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet Project. 

Libraries News Round-up: 17 February 2018

Stop the Privatisation of Public Libraries: 17 February Outsourcing Fundamentalism, Hasn't Herts heard of Carillion? and SCL/Taskforce backed vol-led 'libraries' conference comes to Sheffield. Burnham-On-Sea: 17 February Somerset |…