Third Sector : 6th January
Number of library volunteers surges in the year to March, figures show
Rob Jackson, a volunteering consultant, said he would be interested in finding out what libraries had been doing to grow their volunteering numbers so quickly.

Stoke Sentinel : 6th January
Letter | Library figures remain healthy 
Letter writer S Wood believes that, contrary to official figures, visitor numbers are growing rather than falling at libraries across Stoke-on-Trent, and wants to know how the latest figures have been calculated

Sheffield Telegraph : 6th January
Final chance for Sheffield residents to have a say
Sheffield residents are being urged to have their say about the proposed closure of 16 city libraries – as the consultation draws to a close.

Save Wolverhampton Libraries : 5th January
Proposed Library Cuts – Open Letter to Wolverhampton Council Chief Executive

Doncaster Free Press : 5th January
Library jobs cutback fear
Fears have surfaced that the library, which has three permanent staff could become a community library run by volunteers.

City Central library

Libraries News Round-up: 12th January 2014

SUNDAY TELEGRAPH : 12th January Volunteers needed to run museums and libraries SUNDAY TELEGRAPH : 12th January Volunteers must take a role in running parks and museums By Sir Merrick Cockell, Chairman of…