UNISON: 2 August
SOS Day for libraries
‘Our Save Our Services campaign day of action on 19 October this year focuses on libraries – a hub and a haven in our communities offering a place for people to work, relax, discover and think’

Shields Gazette: 3 August
Consultation over changes to South Tyneside libraries is extended by council

Blackpool Gazette: 4 August
Lancashire | Library plans moving forward as new group set up
The authority agreed plans in early July for the phased reopening of 14 libraries, nine of which will be run by the county council and five as independent community libraries.

Bath Chronicle: 4 August
Letter: Bath library move just wouldn’t be fair on disabled children
Thoughts of a nine-year-old who is against the move.

Leigh Journal: 4 August
Salford | Disgusted’ by library home delivery service axing

Bristol 24/7: 4 August
‘Libraries are the lifeblood of our communities’
