A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Fabian Society : 28th March
Dan Jarvis MP | How do you value a library?

Public Libraries News : 27th March
Public Library E-Lending Review published
Editorial, plus key recommendations and responses.

Voices for the Library : 28th March
Statement on the Sieghart e-lending review

Good E-Reader : 28th March
UK Government Releases New Report on Library eBook Lending

This Is Grimsby : 28th March
Library service for schools in North East Lincolnshire is to close down

“It is not part of the statutory provision of public libraries, even though successive ministers of education have been urged to make it statutory and to make school libraries part of the Ofsted inspection regime.”


Camden New Journal : 29th March
The death of a library
The Regent’s Park branch library closes it doors this week after nearly 50 years, prompting users to accuse the Town Hall of cutting a vital service in an area that relies heavily on the branch for books, computer services and as a place to meet.

Camden New Journal : 28th March
Town Hall faces criticism over books ‘giveaway’ from axed library

South Wales Argus : 28th March
Letter Hands off our city libraries

Barnet & Whetstone Press : 28th March
Concerns over Finchley library sell-off
http://www.barnet-today.co.uk/news.cfm?id=10305&headline=Concerns over Finchley library sell-off

BBC News : 27th March
Hull Anlaby Park library given two month reprieve
The closure of a Hull library has been delayed for two months for campaigners to come up with a plan to save it.

library badges

Libraries News Round-up: 17 February 2018

Stop the Privatisation of Public Libraries: 17 February Outsourcing Fundamentalism, Hasn't Herts heard of Carillion? and SCL/Taskforce backed vol-led 'libraries' conference comes to Sheffield. http://dontprivatiselibraries.blogspot.co.uk/2018/02/outsourcing-fundamentalism-hasnt-herts.html Burnham-On-Sea: 17 February Somerset |…