The Guardian: 28 June 2017
One-off £1.6m boost for libraries leaves long-term future in question
PRIVATE EYE – Issue No. 1447, p35
Library News | John Glen takes over 
[Bristol and The Wirral cited]
Available in newsagents
The Scotsman: 28 June
Pamela Tulloch: So much more to libraries than merely reading
This is Lancashire: 28 June
Bury Council cabinet committee confirms closure of 10 libraries
Warrington Guardian: 28 June
Council bosses to look at investing in more library books
Council will look at spending more money on library books after a meeting of the Libraries Working Group raised concerns about the current stock.  Figures revealed the amount of money budgeted to be spent on books by LiveWire has more than halved in the past three years, from £1.13 per resident per year in 2013 to just 50p per person in 2016.
Shropshire Star: 28 June
Born Free star Virginia McKenna opens Ellesmere library
Ellesmere Library moves to Meres Day Centre.  To be managed by Shrewsbury-based social care charity Bethphage, which is taking over the operation of the day centre and the library from Shropshire Council.
2BR Lancashire: 28 June
£900,000 spent on Harris Museum
Arts Council funding for museum, art gallery and library
Cambs Times: 28 June
Libraries across Cambridgeshire to become micro venues for arts and culture
Maldon Standard: 28 June
Fines at Essex libraries set to double
The first time changes have been made since 2009. Other charges also affected.
Bristol 24/7: 28 June
‘A mayor for the many, not the few’
Lib Dem group leader Gary Hopkins argued that Labour needs to move away from blaming everybody else and said austerity is not to blame for what he called an “incompetent consultation” on the future of the city’s libraries, saying it is down to “bad management.”
Bristol 24/7: 27 June
‘Library lovers in Bristol face the fight of our lives’

Libraries News Round-up: 24 January 2018

Bromley Times: 24 January Bromley Council may face strike action over outsourcing policy Private Eye: Issue No. 1462 Library News: Carillion | Croydon, Ealing, Harrow Available in newsagents Thornton…