THE GUARDIAN : 28th July
How to join a library – in pictures
If you’re desperate to take part in the Summer Reading Challenge but don’t yet belong to a library, have no fear. Children’s author and illustrator Jackie Morris has written a special story to show you how to get started.

THE GUARDIAN : 28th July
Summer Reading Challenge 2014

Public Libraries News : 28th July
The deepest cut in UK public library history? Kirklees goes (almost) all out

Yorkshire Post : 28th July
Hull Public to be consulted over cuts to libraries branded ‘shocking’
Further cuts to library services, including cutting opening times by nearly a third and the possible closure of a library in a city gearing up to be City of Culture in 2017, have been described as “shocking” by unions.

Yorkshire Post : 28th July
Kirklees Council consults residents on huge cut in library budget

Western Morning News : 28th July
Young reader on a mission to save library services
“I have heard a lot of libraries are being closed around the country. This is not just affecting Cornwall. I want that stopped so I am thinking of getting in touch with the Prime Minister to ask for his help.

Stamford Mercury : 27th July
Concert raises hundreds for Deepings Library fund

Kidderminster Shuttle : 27th July
Worcestershire Green light given for new (Bewdley) library move


Libraries News Round-up: 5 October 2017

The Big Issue: 5 October Big names back libraries ahead of Worlds of Possibilities Festival 2BR News: 5 October Lancashire | More decisions coming on libraries Craven Herald:…