27th October:   Thanks to Ian of PLN for advising on Twitter that:
“Helen Milner of the Tinder Foundation will be interviewed by Sky News tomorrow on her view that some libraries are poor and are being protected.”

THE GUARDIAN : 27th October
Some libraries deserve to close, says ‘digital inclusion’ charity

LGA : 27th October
Not all libraries should be protected from closure argues charity

Public Libraries News : 27th October
Special interview with Helen Milner on “protected” libraries and the 10% that “have to change”

Public Libraries News : 27th October
Nick Poole on what can we learn from the past to inform the future of public libraries
His speech to the Library of Birmingham

Labour List : 27th October
Exclusive: Tom Watson launches devolution taskforce to look at austerity and the arts
inc libraries

Camden New Journal : 27th October
Fears for Camden’s local history archives if flats scheme at Holborn Library is expanded

Bury Times : 27th October
‘Great care’ needed on decision of future of libraries

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Library News Round-up: 30th November 2014

THE OBSERVER : 30th NovemberLetter | Council leaders of all parties plead for no more cuts119 councils, including 40 Tory signatories http://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2014/nov/30/letters-council-leaders-across-spectrum-plead-no-more-cuts THE OBSERVER : 30th NovemberTory shires join call for more cash and…