Eastbourne Herald: 27 June
East Sussex | Volunteers Network committed to getting Pevensey Bay Library open



Northampton Chronicle & Echo: 27 June
Library campaigners plead with Northamptonshire County Council to let group pay £1 peppercorn library rent



The Guardian: 27 June
English councils warn ‘worst is yet to come’ on cuts

‘It said councils faced having to make “truly unpalatable” cuts to key services such as social care, refuse disposal, libraries, Sure Start centres and roads maintenance while putting up council tax bills and introducing new charges.’



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Libraries News Round-up: 26 June

Weston & Somerset Mercury: 24 June North Somerset | Libraries facing cuts to opening hours And plans for open+ at six sites http://www.thewestonmercury.co.uk/news/libraries-facing-cuts-to-opening-hours-1-5076279 Derby Telegraph: 25 June Derby City Council…

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