THE GUARDIAN : 26th October
‘There’s nowhere else for children’: Walsall locals react to library closure plans

Swindon Advertiser : 26th October
Libraries campaigners to take their fight to parliament
“The Freedom of Information request submitted by the campaign asking if any other strategies have been considered has been blocked and there is growing frustration that the council plan will be forced through.”

Bedfordshire News : 26th October
Controversial ‘digital’ library model will NOT be introduced at Kempston and Putnoe
Bedford Borough Council has announced it will not create a ‘digital’ model that would see users access unstaffed libraries using key cards at Kempston or Putnoe libraries

Hull Daily Mail : 26th October
Cottingham Library set to survive East Riding Council cuts

Yorkshire Coast Radio : 26th October
Decisions To Be Made On Bridlington Libraries

Public Libraries News : 25th October
Editorial | Why some libraries should close … but some others definitely should not
The Tinder Foundation suggests that some libraries should close …

Times Series : 25th October
Barnet | ‘People do not realise how valuable the libraries are, until it is too late’

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Library News Round-up: 9 April 2015

THE GUARDIAN : 9th AprilPoorer children fall behind in literacy and earn less in later life, study says no mention of public libraries News : 9th April Campaign to End Loneliness |…