Chorley Guardian : 26th January
Lancashire | Library campaigners hold peaceful protest
“Despite our financial situation, we are committed to continuing to provide 34 fully staffed libraries”

And, please don’t forget to book….

Speak Up For Libraries – Rally and Lobby – 9 February 2016

The lobby is on 9 February at Central Hall Westminster.
This is an event for everyone who cares about public libraries!The day kicks off at 10am with refreshments and the chance to speak with others attending, followed by a line-up of speakers, videos and a song or two as part of the rally. More details of the line up will be released shortly…

People will move off from 1pm onwards to lobby their MPs.Details are at:
Booking is via Eventbrite and it is free to attend: 

Anyone can contact The Library Campaign if they need help to cover travel costs. Email UNISON members can contact their branch for assistance.

Please book a place to help cater for numbers and PLEASE help promote the event!



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