Ham & High: 24 May
Haringey | Fears grow in Highgate over 110-year-old library’s future home
North Somerset Times: 24 May
Library jobs axed as North Somerset Council make savings cut
Hereford Times: 24 May
Project launched to highlight the importance of libraries
Kirkintilloch Herald: 24 May
Work set to begin on £2m library upgrade
Work is set to begin on the controversial £2 million project to transform Bishopbriggs Library.
Southern Reporter: 24 May
Library users can read all about it
‘Kelso’s branches of Sainsbury’s and Co-op stepped in to fund the service indefinitely from this month’ just weeks after Live Borders axed the service. Offer extends only to copies of The Scotsman and The Daily Mail.
Northern Echo: 23 May
Richmond’s new-look library holds open day following refurbishment
Huffington Post: 21 May
Putting Ourselves First In This Election
The record = ‘Libraries shut by the hundreds’. 

Library News Round-up: 5 March 2015

THE BOOKSELLER : 5th MarchGovernment promotes child library membershiphttp://www.thebookseller.com/news/government-promotes-child-library-membershipNorthants Herald & Post : 5th March'Thriving' Northampton library praised by culture minister who says donation scheme is a great idea http://www.northampton-news-hp.co.uk/Thriving-Northampton-library-praised-culture/story-26124894-detail/story.html Palatinate : 5th MarchDurham | 90%…