The Courier: 24 April
Fife | Story of Largo Library is a happy ever after
Largo Library reopens as volunteer-run facility
Rossendale Free Press: 24 April
Lancashire | Government inquiry could investigate library cuts in Rossendale
Broken Barnet blog: 24 April
Code Seven: The destruction of Barnet Libraries
Sutton Coldfield Local: 24 April
Friends of the Libraries of Birmingham Call To Lobby Your Town Councillors
Brixton Buzz: 24 April
Lambeth Library campaigners call public meeting on May 2nd to organise further action
includes YouTube video
ITV: 24 April
Villagers save phone box by converting into mini library
Everyone loves a box of random second-hand books with no staff, apparently.
Bath Chronicle: 24 April
Campaigners are demanding answers from council leaders over ‘deeply unpopular proposals’
One of which is the plan to move the central library to a smaller location.

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Library News Round-up: 2 September 2015

THE BOOKSELLER : 1st SeptemberNational Libraries Day set for 6th February Libraries News : 1st SeptemberEditorial | Libraries change lives, but soon probably not in Herefordshire Mercury : 1st SeptemberLetter | Libraries cut to…