Warrington Guardian: 23 May
Fresh hope for Bewsey and Dallam Hub – despite £1m shortfall to deliver it
‘The hub – proposed to include a fitness suite, library, pool and healthcare services – was originally given a planned opening date of summer 2017.’
It will now be managed by Warrington & Co, rather than LiveWire as previously agreed.

Northamptonshire Telegraph: 23 May
Groups given more time in battle to save Northamptonshire libraries

Libraries News Round-up: 1 August

Ham & High: 1 August Save Barnet Libraries campaign sees first victory after protest as culture ministry registers formal complaint http://www.hamhigh.co.uk/news/politics/save-barnet-libraries-campaign-sees-first-victory-after-protest-as-culture-ministry-registers-formal-complaint-1-5131185 Blackpool Gazette: 1 August Lancashire | Volunteer dream fading…