Spiked Online : 23rd February
Turning libraries into community centres
Libraries are for reading, not knitting

UK Authority : 23rd February
Six library authorities take up cloud e-book service

Buteman : 23rd February
Put school librarians before top job, says Argyll and Bute MSP

Gloucester Citizen : 23rd February
Community call to action to preserve Brockworth Library’s future
volunteers fear running out of funds

Leicester Mercury : 23rd February
Axe set to fall on Barwell library as County Hall cuts costs

Nuneaton News : 23rd February
Leicestershire | Bid to protect Barwell library taken to Parliament

Swindon Advertiser : 23rd February
Letter ‘Town deserves better’
“We do not deserve to be a laughing stock with a council that closes our, repeat, our libraries” — Clive Hooper, Wroughton

Swindon Advertiser : 18th February
Wiltshire | Calne Library set to trial no-staff system

Book shelves

Libraries News Round-up: 9th September 2013

London Evening Standard : 9th September Lambeth | Council facing £150,000 bill after squatters trash ex-library  http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/council-facing-150000-bill-after-squatters-trash-exlibrary-8804548.html OTS News : 8th September Sefton Council Discriminating Over Access To Library Anyone who believes…