Sheffield Telegraph : 20th October
Hope for libraries
The council said there had been a “marked increase” in numbers of groups coming forward wanting to run them.

TES : 18th October
Leadership – Libraries are necessities, not luxuries
A number of public libraries have closed in the UK over the past year and the School Library Association (SLA) has pointed to “anecdotal evidence …that the position (of libraries) in many schools is worsening”, with budgets and librarian posts being cut.  ….  School leaders should be building libraries into their strategic plans and exploiting the potential for better, more joined-up use of school and public libraries. Even if technology facilitates reading for some children, it will not do so for all, or contribute the full experience and benefits of a library.

sheffield library

Libraries News Round-up: 29th November 2013

THE BOOKSELLER : 29th November Library cuts 'worse in deprived north' CILIP : 28th November Damaging library cuts are wrong and dangerous Public Libraries News : 28th November…