THE GUARDIAN : 2nd December
The ‘atomised’ council is here to stay: stripped back to the most basic services
Several ‘libraries’ references

Swindon Borough Council : 1st December
Swindon Borough Council publishes draft 2016-17 budget
Swindon is considering a reduction in council spend on its library service of  “at least £1.5m, or 75%, by 2020″.

East London Lines : 2nd December
Proposed cuts to Lewisham libraries slammed as ‘short-sighted’
Lewisham Council has acknowledged that the issue of declining book borrowing is a bigger problem in the community libraries than in the council-managed libraries, but …

Express & Star : 2nd December
Walsall Council cuts: Volunteers invited to form DIY libraries

Get Reading : 2nd December
Mum urges council to leave Southcote Library alone

library photo