A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

The Star : 1st April
Letter | Time to charge for borrowing books? 

THE GUARDIAN : 2nd April
Are social enterprises the future for libraries?

Socialist Worker : 2nd April
Manchester |A story of services threatened by the axe

THE GUARDIAN : 2nd April
Are social enterprises the future for libraries?

Petition opposes Sheffield library cuts

Lancashire Evening Post : 2nd April
Library users slam IT system 
A former insurance worker, Mr Dyson said he was now unemployed due to health reasons, and needed to use the computers to register with Universal Jobmatch online to receive his Jobseeker’s Allowance. He said: “If you go to the Jobcentre and say ‘I couldn’t get on the computers at the library’ they will say it’s no excuse.

Society of Authors : 2nd April
Society of Authors’ response to the Sieghart Independent Review of E-Lending in Public Libraries 

Society of Authors : 2nd April
Society of Authors’ response to the DCMS planned transfer of PLR functions

BBC News : 2nd April
Top Scots websites among UK domains catalogued by libraries

Bournemouth Echo : 2nd April
We’ll make libraries fit for the 21st century, pledge councillors
A comprehensive review of the town’s libraries service has recommended the retention of all 12 libraries, along with the home library service.  Cabinet members unanimously agreed the proposals, which will see £1.7million of savings and extra income made over the next seven years.

This Is Hull & East Riding : 2nd April
Councillor should fight to keep library open
Councillor Terry Geraghty, portfolio holder for culture and leisure, Hull City Council, admonishes a LibDem councillor re. Libraries.



Local.Gov.co.uk  : 3rd April
Councils criticised for making staff sign ‘gagging orders’

Lancashire Evening Post : 3rd April
Town’s old library building turns over a new leaf 
A book exchange has been opened in a former library building.

Southend Standard : 3rd April
Put post offices in our libraries
A Councillor has called for post offices to be created at Basildon and Laindon libraries if the two branches cannot be saved.

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