They Work For You : 18th July Written Answer – Q Public Libraries | The minimum statutory requirement

THE GUARDIAN | Culture Professionals Network : 18th July
Arts Council England’s annual review – what’s your verdict?
As culture professionals, we want to know how the Arts Council impacted your 2012/13 – for better or for worse
Darlington & Stockton Times : 19th July
Cockerton Library at risk of closure again, council leader admits
The Friends of Darlington Libraries group no longer meets regularly but  Mike Crawley, who was a member of the group, said: “The reason the  volunteers have drifted off is that people who are in charge of the  libraries in Darlington said no to anything we asked to do.” : 18th July Does The Library Of The Future Have Books?
cockerton library

Libraries News Round-up: 30 June 2016

Northern Echo : 30th June Campaigners say Darlington deserves better after council agrees to cuts Blackpool Gazette : 30th June VIDEO | Pupil power! Youngsters hit the streets with…