Warrington Guardian : 19th September
Residents turn out in force to oppose Stockton Heath Library closure proposals

The Star : 16th September
Sheffield Letter: Libraries need staff

Vimeo : 13th September
A Library Is Not A Library Without A Librarian
A short film from young people in Tobermory, Isle of Mull who talk about their reaction to the local council’s decision to cut School Librarians across Argyll & Bute


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Libraries News Round-up: 21st February 2014

Don't Privatise Libraries : 21st February Public libraries and economic impact Informative http://dontprivatiselibraries.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/public-libraries-and-economic-impact.html  Daily Record : 21st February Dumfries & Galloway | Library plans go out to public again http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/local-news/library-plans-go-out-public-3165487 Journalist's Resources…

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