A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

THE GUARDIAN : 15th April
Asset transfer: the path to success and pitfalls of failure
Some local authorities are trying to get rid of many of their ‘assets’, in the form of buildings, which may actually represent, or have the potential to become financial black holes. These buildings, take libraries for example, may be symbolically important to a community, but they may have huge costs associated with running them and the risk is that they may be taking on a liability, rather than an asset.   (and further references to ‘libraries’)

Free school meals may be scrapped by councils under ‘tidal wave’ of cuts 
“Local government is facing a tidal wave of cuts that makes the 1980s look like a day at the beach. On current trends, the best case scenario is that by 2018 the public will pay more for a lot less – no council leisure centres, far fewer libraries, an end to education support and tighter constraints on who receives social care. In many parts of the country, things could get a lot worse as some councils face effective bankruptcy.”

Inverclyde Now : 16th April
Village library move completed


Libraries News Round-up: 15th January 2014

CILIP : 15th January Revealed: Government advice promoting volunteer-run libraries had no Ministerial sign-off http://www.cilip.org.uk/cilip/news/revealed-government-advice-promoting-volunteer-run-libraries-had-no-ministerial-sign Phil Bradley's Weblog : 15th January Vaizey ignores CILIP http://philbradley.typepad.com/phil_bradleys_weblog/2014/01/vaizey-ignores-cilip.html The Star : 15th January…