Yon Hap News : 14th January
S. Korea to greatly increase public libraries by 2018

Booktrade Info : 14th January
Best-selling Author Lesley Pearse Becomes First National Libraries Day Ambassador 

THE BOOKSELLER : 14th January
Pearse becomes National Libraries Day ambassador 

BBC News : 14th January
Volunteer plan to avoid closure of Tregaron library 

BBC News : 14th January
Brymbo and Gresford libraries closer to shutting in Wrexham cuts

Stoke Sentinel : 14th January
Dave Proudlove: Rethink future of Hanley Library instead of selling it to highest bidder
If a local authority – the main custodian of a place’s future – cannot take a longer-term view on matters, who can?

Daily Echo : 14th January
Hampshire | Libraries and lollipop patrols face axe in latest council cuts
More libraries will be expected to shed staff for volunteers, including Milford-on-Sea. If no one comes forward branches will be closed and residents will have to make do with a weekly mobile library stop.  Yet mobile library vehicles could be reduced from five to three across the county and the number of stops from 350 to 250.
