THE GUARDIAN : 13th January
Library cuts harm young people’s mental health services, warns lobby

Sutton Coldfield Observer : 13th January 
Thousands back ‘Save Sutton Coldfield Library’ campaign as petitions go to Birmingham City Council

Darlington & Stockton Times : 13th January
North Yorkshire library could close this year without volunteers 
Stokesley Library will close this year unless more volunteers step forward to help run it.

Wales Online : 13th January
Cardiff | How the people of Rumney have saved their library – twice–12445960

Barry & District News : 12th January
Vale of Glamorgan | New system will extend opening hours for library users

Image by Samantha Galbraith (@sgalbraith47) used with permission. Contact the artist at to orders or inquiries.
Image by Samantha Galbraith (@sgalbraith47) used with permission.
Contact the artist at to orders or inquiries.

Libraries News Round-up: 27 August 2017

The Guardian: 26 August Blood, bookworms, bosoms and bottoms: the secret life of libraries Dorset Echo: 27 August Friends of Weymouth Library (FOWL) has launched a new website to…